Sallyanne Johnson, Licensed Professional Counselor

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[bgsection pex_attr_title=”Sallyanne Johnson” pex_attr_subtitle=”Licensed Professional Counselor & Psychotherapist” pex_attr_undefined=”undefined” pex_attr_style=”section-light2″ pex_attr_bgcolor=”EDF5F7″ pex_attr_image=”” pex_attr_imageopacity=”0.1″ pex_attr_bgimagestyle=”static” pex_attr_titlecolor=”252525″ pex_attr_textcolor=”777777″ pex_attr_height=””]

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Do You Know That Anxiety & Depression Go Hand in Hand?

Did you also know that a psychotherapist is trained to assist with conditions of anxiety?

We all experience anxiety when life throws us specific challenges.

Mild anxiety can look like tension, feeling annoyed, tired, etc. More serious anxiety may include physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, sweating, trembling, difficulty catching your breath, chest pain or pressure, nausea or abdominal distress and accompanied by thoughts that you are having a heart attack.

If you experience these symptoms on a longer term basis they can cause you to want to avoid certain people, places and activities that you worry might provoke more anxiety or an anxiety attack ie engaging less in life.



PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a specific form of anxiety that can result from being in a situation that is/was traumatic or overwhelming in some way.


A Professional Counselor is Qualified to Help with Depression

Depression can feel like you have a cloud hanging over you, or that you don’t have much energy and your life seems to lack joy or meaning. Symptoms of depression include feeling sad or depressed a lot of the time; less interest or pleasure in what used to be enjoyable; changes in sleep or appetite; feeling hopeless and/or worthless; difficulty concentrating; excessive or inappropriate guilt; recurrent thoughts of death.
Unfortunately, depression is not something you can just “snap out of” no matter what you may tell yourself, or have heard from others.
Both anxiety and depression are very common moods and in many cases, the affected person has no idea they are suffering with such conditions and that they need or can get help from psychotherapy.






EMDR Stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

This form of psychotherapy is based on the idea that negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors are the result of unprocessed memories. If a situation is overwhelming, the brain’s processing ability can become “flooded” and we are unable to properly work through what has happened to us. Unpleasant memories become “stuck” in our minds and on a deeper cellular level as well, and can affect who we are and how we deal with life. EMDR helps the brain to process these “stuck” memories.
EMDR is a systemic approach that uses bilateral sensory stimulation of the brain via eye movement, tapping or sounds while the client focuses on different aspects of the upsetting experience. In addition to helping resolve the impacts of “trauma”, clients also develop internal resources that increase self confidence and make them better able to meet the challenges of life with awareness and flexibility.
EMDR has been proven effective for the treatment of PTSD, phobias, panic attacks, anxiety and stress, unresolved grief, low self-esteem/self-confidence, depression, and physical and emotional abuse.



CBT aka Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is a psychotherapy approach based on a fundamental principle that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviors, not external things like other people, situations or events.

A person who is depressed may have the belief “I am worthless”, and a person with panic disorder may have the belief “I am in danger”.

These beliefs are very real to these people.

A psychotherapist can teach clients to think differently, to see things from a different and more realistic perspective so they can act and react better to what happens in their life.



Client-Centered or Person-Centered is Another Therapy

Client-centered or Person-centered therapy is a form of talk psychotherapy which provides clients with an opportunity to develop a sense of self.
A core tenet of Client-centered psychotherapy is that people are inclined to move toward growth and healing; thus the role of the client-centered therapist is to establish an atmosphere in which the client can discover the answers and solutions he or she has been seeking.




[bgsection pex_attr_title=”About Sallyanne Johnson” pex_attr_subtitle=”Psychotherapist & Licensed Professional Counselor” pex_attr_undefined=”undefined” pex_attr_style=”section-light2″ pex_attr_bgcolor=”f7f7f7″ pex_attr_image=”” pex_attr_imageopacity=”0.4″ pex_attr_bgimagestyle=”parallax-fixed” pex_attr_titlecolor=”252525″ pex_attr_textcolor=”777777″ pex_attr_height=””]Hello. My name is Sallyanne. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor practicing in Aspen, Colorado since 1995

I was inspired to become a psychotherapist as a result of receiving therapy myself and feeling like my life changed in very good ways as a result of successful treatment.

I am a world traveler who has lived abroad, a former business owner, and a lover of animals and nature. I am always happy when I am engaged in physical activities and am an active member of my community.


[bgsection pex_attr_title=”Here’s What Some of My Patients Have to Say!” pex_attr_subtitle=”{ see testimonials below }” pex_attr_style=”section-light2″ pex_attr_bgcolor=”dedad0″ pex_attr_imageopacity=”0.1″ pex_attr_bgimagestyle=”static” pex_attr_titlecolor=”252525″ pex_attr_textcolor=”777777″][/bgsection]


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[bgsection pex_attr_title=”If you'd like to find out if I might be helpful to you…” pex_attr_subtitle=”Connect with Me Today!” pex_attr_undefined=”undefined” pex_attr_style=”section-dark” pex_attr_bgcolor=”4d4f4f” pex_attr_image=”” pex_attr_imageopacity=”0.1″ pex_attr_bgimagestyle=”static” pex_attr_titlecolor=”ffffff” pex_attr_textcolor=”ffffff” pex_attr_height=””]

call me at 970 618-9002
or visit my website


My Office Location:

715 West Main Street
Suite 103
Aspen, CO 81611

Please note: I do work with clients remotely.



[bgsection pex_attr_title=”I'm on a Mission!” pex_attr_subtitle=”to help you” pex_attr_undefined=”undefined” pex_attr_style=”section-light2″ pex_attr_bgcolor=”ffffff” pex_attr_image=”” pex_attr_imageopacity=”0.4″ pex_attr_bgimagestyle=”parallax-fixed” pex_attr_titlecolor=”252525″ pex_attr_textcolor=”777777″ pex_attr_height=””]I am called to explore the world of the human heart and the human psyche, and help others in their journey to wholeness and happiness.

As a psychotherapist I have helped thousands of clients recover from distressing situations and from post traumatic stress (PTSD); decrease their depression and anxiety; and deepen their connection and improve their relationships with other people.



[bgsection pex_attr_title=”Who I Help” pex_attr_subtitle=”What I do” pex_attr_undefined=”undefined” pex_attr_style=”section-light2″ pex_attr_bgcolor=”dedad0″ pex_attr_image=”” pex_attr_imageopacity=”0.1″ pex_attr_bgimagestyle=”static” pex_attr_titlecolor=”252525″ pex_attr_textcolor=”777777″ pex_attr_height=””]I, Sallyanne Johnson am a Licensed Professional Counselor that employs different types of therapy to assist patients in the treatments of anxiety, depression and PTSD, among other conditions. Some of those types of therapy include EMDR, CBT and Client-Centered or Person-Centered therapy.

I am available, as a Licensed Professional Counselor, remotely as well as in person at my office in Aspen, serving the communities of the Roaring Fork Valley of Colorado including Glenwood Springs, Carbondale, Basalt, Snowmass and Aspen, CO.


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