Serving Others: Doing Good & Making Money

Passion to Profit: Can Serving Others, Doing Good & Making Money Play Nice Together?

So you are passionate about serving others, doing good and making money.  That seems pretty natural to me. Who doesn’t want to make money doing what you love?

But as soon as you put those activities together, it’s likely that fear arises that can make you feel completely frozen.

Clearly many of us have issues with our relationship with money.

Is it okay to make money if I’m doing good and serving others in the world?

Is it moral?

Will money corrupt my work doing good and serving others?

Will I be seen as a bad person if I make money doing what I love?


Is it even possible to make a decent amount of money by doing good and truly serving others? Is passion to profit even attainable if I am a spiritually oriented person?

On the other hand…How can I take care of my family if I don’t make as much money as I can?

Will my sense of purpose compromise my success and income?

Will I be seen as a weak person if I bring more goodness and intention of serving others for the highest good into my business?


Don’t good people give all the time, altruistically, without ever thinking about themselves?

These seem like legitimate questions in today’s world, but let’s see what happens if we flip them around.

Is it okay to make money if I’m not doing good in the world even if I am doing what I love?

Is that moral?

Could my work be corrupted by lack of money?

Passion to profit…I’ve heard of this many times before. Is it possible that asking for money (and providing a good service, serving others) will enable me to become a better person?


Is it worth making a decent amount of money if I don’t feel what I’m doing is really good?

How can I make money doing what I love to do and take good care of my family so we enjoy the experience?

Could my sense of purpose make me more successful and give me fulfillment at the same time? (I really love the idea of passion to profit!)

Could I be seen as a stronger, more courageous person if I bring more kindness into my business?


How can good people give all the time, altruistically, if they don’t make sure they have plenty to give?

So the question arises, “Is it really selfish to make money doing what I love or is it possible that it could be more generous than being poor?”

How can you transform your relationship with money?

START HERE! (with Sarah McCrum)


How to Do More Good, Make More Money and Feel Amazing.

A FREE webinar series

Exploring how to do good and make money has been my pathway and I’d like to share what I’ve learned with you. If you’d like to explore more, please join me !

∼Sarah McCrum
Money Consciousness Coach & Author of Love Money, Money Loves You


Passion to Profit: How to Make Money Doing What You Love

It feels very important to me that we all examine our relationship with money…assumptions and unconscious beliefs about making money, serving others and doing good, for the simple reason that as human beings, we are naturally attracted to contributing (doing good and seeing others), and we’re naturally drawn to abundance.

If we cut ourselves off from our natural wishes, we have to contort ourselves and distort our belief systems so we can divorce activities that are made to go together – doing good, serving others and making money.

Over the coming weeks I’m going to write a series of blogs that unpack this essential topic. We’ll explore how you can resolve your fear around doing good and making money. I’ll expose the source of the confusion and show how you can develop a healthy understanding of money that will support you to bring more purpose into your business and more money into your purpose . I will share some core principles that make the whole system work and show you how to overcome the most common misunderstandings that may currently be holding you back.

I will also bring you case studies of business owners who have improved their business by embracing their purpose, their passion to profit, along with altruistic service providers who’ve made their business work by embracing money. My aim is to be honest about the challenges and also about the rewards which are most definitely worth any amount of learning and reprogramming.

This is my story as much as it’s yours. I will share my personal experience as well as what I’ve learned through the many thousands of people I’ve worked with. I’ve helped 1.000’s of people with “passion to profit”: how to make money doing what you love, doing good and serving others.

I believe it’s essential that we resolve this deep confusion that’s holding so many people back from realising their deeper and more fulfilling potential. It’s liberating to create a business that allows you to fully express your natural goodness, as far as you’re able, and be successful, as far as you’re able, so you can support many other people to express their goodness serving others too.

Ultimately, this is a path of generosity which speaks to the essence of who we all are. Doing good and serving others is the essence of spirit. We’re not naturally nasty, greedy, selfish, or corrupt. We become those because we don’t know how to handle our pain and suffering.

In our hearts we’re generous beings who are inspired by love, courage, freedom and beauty, and we long to experience joy and inner peace.

If we choose to live generously, passion to profit — we need to be generous to ourselves as well as to others. We need to learn how to share more love, have the courage to do what’s right, experience true freedom and create more beauty in our lives. We also need to cultivate joy and inner peace, and combine all of that with business.

Exploring how to do good, serving others and making money has been my pathway and I’d like to share what I’ve learned with you. If you’d like to explore more, about passion to profit please join me for an online event called, How to Do More Good, Make More Money and Feel Amazing.

Please use this link to sign up for “Thank You Money: The New Art of Living Generously”.


How to Do More Good, Make More Money and Feel Amazing.

A FREE webinar series

Exploring how to do good and make money has been my pathway and I’d like to share what I’ve learned with you. If you’d like to explore more, please join me !

∼Sarah McCrum
Money Consciousness Coach & Author of Love Money, Money Loves You

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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