FREE Virtual Events & Online Webinars

Experience the Feldenkrais Method with Lavinia Plonka

Experience the Feldenkrais Method® with Lavinia Plonka: Free yourself from chronic pain and unhealthy emotional patterns. Harness the power of safe, subtle somatic movements for a greater range of motion and less pain. Discover how to transform habitual physical postures to heal from illness or injury with the Feldenkrais Method®

Discover How Feldenkrais Method Can Reduce Tension in Your Body and Improve Your Balance

What if, by simply changing the way you literally MOVE through the world…

… you could free yourself of everything from chronic pain to self-sabotaging habits to unhealthy emotional patterns and more?

The Feldenkrais Method® can help you do all that and more…

Its revolutionary practices harness the power of safe, subtle, sophisticated movements to teach you how to literally reorganize yourself — resulting in improved range of motion, reduced pain, and fuller life.

If you feel like your world is getting smaller and your limitations are getting larger, please join us for a free video event with body language expert and certified Feldenkrais Method® teacher Lavinia Plonka called Experience the Feldenkrais Method: 3 Somatic Movements to Rewire Your Brain, Heal Chronic Pain & Increase Your Flexibility.

You can register here.

Free Yourself from Chronic Pain and Unhealthy Emotional Patterns with Intro Feldenkrais Training

During this 60-minute free online event on the topic of The Feldenkrais Method, somatic movement training, you’ll:

  • Unlock “emotional postures” that reinforce physical and emotional pain and negative self-image
  • Discover how to rewire your brain, musculoskeletal system, and nervous system so you can move through life with less pain and more confidence
  • Recognize the direct link between your inner and outer worlds — and how you move your physical body mirrors your feelings of self-worth, creative capacities, and worldview
  • Develop awareness through movement to align your pelvis, ribcage, lungs, and heart for optimal health and healthy relationships
  • Receive 3 healing Feldenkrais sequences to reduce tension in your body and improve your balance and vision — literally and figuratively

As you’ll discover, your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and movements are closely interrelated — and influence each other in powerful ways.

The subtle, yet powerful Feldenkrais movements can help you heal emotional patterns, trauma, and chronic pain.

You’ll find that when your whole body cooperates in movement, achieving maximum efficiency with minimum effort, you unleash your powers of creativity, intuition, healthy sexuality, and more…

Welcome to the relationship you’ve been waiting for — your relationship with yourself.

You can RSVP for free here.

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia
Founder & Editor in Chief
Host of

P.S. Join body language expert Lavinia Plonka to discover how the Feldenkrais Method can help you live a more enjoyable, pain-free life without drugs or surgery, and with greater flexibility and better balance…

In this free event, Experience the Feldenkrais Method: 3 Somatic Movements to Rewire Your Brain, Heal Chronic Pain & Increase Your Flexibility… 

… you’ll learn how to transform habitual physical and emotional postures to help you heal from illness and injury, improve range of motion, and reduce pain. 

It’s free to attend, but you’ll need to RSVP here.

About Somatic Movement Teacher Lavinia Plonka

Lavinia Plonka is a body language expert who has helped people improve their movement, behavior, relationships, and careers for over 35 years. Her unique expertise connects the dots between posture/movement, emotions, and the mind.

Lavinia’s training and professional career have included theater, dance, yoga, and martial arts. She has taught the Feldenkrais Method for over 25 years and is also an Assistant Trainer. Lavinia is a level CL4 teacher of the Alba Method and an Emotional Body Instructor. She was an artist in residence for the Guggenheim Museum, and a movement consultant for theater and television companies around the world, from the Irish National Folk Theater to Nickelodeon.

From Esalen to the Council on Aging, from Beijing to Mexico, Lavinia’s popular workshops explore the intersection between movement, emotions, and the mind. She is currently the director of the Asheville Movement Center in Asheville, North Carolina. Lavinia’s writing includes several books and audio programs.

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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