• It’s been known since ancient times that drumming produces many healing effects on the body, mind, and spirit. Drumming creates a vibrational sound therapy that can reduce stress, induce deep relaxation, help control chronic pain, help you release negative feelings, ground you in the moment, and boost your immunity. Not to mention it’s just plain FUN… and liberates spontaneous self-expression and creative energy! An internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and music therapist Christine Stevens will help you discover how vibrational sound healing with drumming can liberate your inner rhythm and revitalize your holistic health, spirituality, and wellness, during a FREE virtual event, Awaken Your Rhythm: Discover Drumming for Spirituality & Health. Find out more and reserve your place for this uplifting virtual event here!
  • How medicinal plants can fuel your spiritual evolution

    We’re used to thinking of plants as “things” rather than living, sentient beings that are connected in profound ways to the health of our bodies, minds and souls.

    But what if plants — with all their health-giving effects and amazing diversity of expression — hold the key not just to our health but to our spiritual evolution?

    This idea is not as new as you might think, as it’s been part of ancient systems of natural medicine from Ayurveda to Chinese medicine. Plants affect our life force and connect us physically with the raw energy of the sun.

    The fascinating and powerful relationship between plants and spiritual evolution is the passion of Floracopeia founder David Crow, who is brilliant on this subject.

    I am excited to invite you to a FREE virtual event with David called, How Medicinal Plants Can Fuel Your Spiritual Evolution: Essential Insights that Unify Natural Medicine, Ecology & Spirituality.

    This is a great way to get to know your teacher, Plant Medicine Pioneer, and Master Herbalist and Founder of Floeacopeia, David Crow L.Ac. Expand your horizons beyond the internet and to dip your toes into the plant medicine waters before diving all the way in.

  • How would it feel to be truly comfortable and at ease in your own skin? To be able to release the residue of traumas and long-held blocks that may be hijacking your joy, creativity, and vitality?

    The key to experiencing this powerful shift lies in discovering how to reconnect with the deep wisdom of your body.

    Now you can start to expand into your full-body wisdom when you join leading conscious awareness expert Suzanne Scurlock for Reclaiming Your Body’s Innate Guidance System: How to Listen to Your Bones and 5 More Wisdom Areas to Heal Trauma & Increase Intuition.

    Registration for this Mini-workshop and virtual event is free.

    Reserve your space now

  • Linda Armstrong Core Beliefs Buster Theta Healer and Transformation Coach

    Linda Armstrong

    The Man on the Mountaintop: An Audible Original Drama by Susan Trott was recently reviewed in our monthly High Vibe Tribe Video Book Reviews. Linda Armstrong, a Spiritual Awakening Coach and Certified Energy Healer shares her video book review of this book sold in audio format only read by Stanley Tucci and Toby Jones. The video book review of The Man on the Mountaintop by Linda Armstrong starts at 15:55 mins. The Man on the Mountaintop tells the story of Holy Man Joe, an ageing and unassuming man who lives in a hermitage on top of a mountain. During the summer months, thousands of hopefuls line the single-file path leading to his door, seeking his wisdom. From bombastic, wealthy nobles intent on cheating their way to the top to drunkards who gradually build the physical and mental strength they need to quit their addiction, The Man on the Mountaintop is a rousing tale full of humour, wit and life lessons. In an Audible Originals production, Stanley Tucci (The Devil Wears Prada, Fortitude) and Toby Jones (Infamous, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) lead a multivoice cast in an inspiring tale that is as entertaining as it is profound.
  • Discover your ability to remove the blocks to physical health, financial abundance, and intuitive guidance... and liberate the true healer and creator within you. You don’t “have” energy. You ARE energy. Pure, Spirit energy. The lives and teachings of mystics, philosophers, and healers through the ages have illuminated this fact. For centuries, Chinese medicine has focused on restoring and balancing the flow of energy, or Qi, along the body’s meridians. Ayurveda, hands-on healing traditions, shamanism, and other disciplines work with energy fields, too. And now science, through quantum physics, also validates the existence of subtle fields of energy beyond matter, atoms, and swirling electrons. The root cause of emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges — from stress at work to discord in relationships to chronic pain to financial lack — is energy; or rather, these challenges are the result of subtle blockages within your body’s energy field...

    Sign Up Now to Clear Hidden Blocks in Your Energy Circuitry, Liberate Your Inner Healer & Amplify Your Power to Manifest

  • Discover Shamanic Dream Techniques to Wake up to The Deeper Logic of Life —

    Access Personal Guidance and Healing So You Can Manifest Joy, Inner Peace, Synchronicity and Your Soul’s Deepest Desires

    Most of us think of dreams as barely remembered, passive nocturnal entertainment. But around the world, shamans have pioneered a more powerful, valuable and fascinating way to approach dreaming with active dreaming: seeing it as a time for transformation, healing and getting guidance from higher levels of reality. It’s literally the time in which our souls speak to us and we can access a multidimensional reality. These ancient shamanic dream practices have increasingly been validated by modern science, which has recognized the ability for us to gain full lucidity and self-awareness in the Dreamtime — opening the possibility for new adventures in consciousness. Robert Moss, bestselling author of Dreaming the Soul Back Home, plus 13 other books on the transformative power of dreams and active dreaming, has created a FREE virtual workshop and online dream class called: The Power of Active Dreaming: How to Use Your Dreamtime for Healing & Transformation. Robert is a brilliant and fascinating shamanic dream teacher on this subject, opening up a real paradigm shift in how you view your dreams, your soul, and even the way you view waking reality. Test drive your first online dream class for FREE here.
  • Which Ancient Greek Goddesses & Jungian Archetypes are Stirring Within You?

    Jungian Archetypes and Goddess Archetypes Online Feminine Psychology Course with Jean Shinoda Bolen

    Find out during a free virtual event w/Jean Shinoda Bolen

    Have you ever felt like you aren’t living the life you should be — that there’s a greater purpose out there for you? Do you feel like you’ve been playing by someone else’s rules all your life and not your own? Are you ready to step up and live life on your own terms? Internationally renowned author of Goddesses in Everywoman, Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, teaches how you can live a more fulfilled, creative, satisfying life by tapping into the powerful force within you that is your natural goddess archetype. So, it’s with great excitement that I invite you to a special FREE online event featuring bestselling author Jean Shinoda Bolen! Jean’s groundbreaking book, Ancient Goddesses in Everywoman: Powerful Archetypes in Women’s Lives, became an instant classic when it was published 30 years ago, and it remains a foundational work for feminist psychology today. And now, you can go beyond the book and experience Jean’s revolutionary teachings during a complimentary virtual event: Ancient Goddesses in Everywoman: How Discovering Your Natural Archetype Can Liberate Your Full Expression. Reserve your free spot here for this exciting offering. 
  • Discover the Shaman in You

    Shamans of every ancient culture have opened the portals to a deeper wisdom that resides in each moment.  However, shamanism isn’t just for the ancients!  Today, anyone who chooses can benefit from this wisdom that can powerfully and intimately connect us simultaneously with both Earth and Sky, bridge inner and outer worlds, and expand our capacity to heal our lives. If you would like to learn more about shamanism and explore putting it to work in your life, I have a very special invitation for you… Internationally known and respected Peruvian shamanic healer and transpersonal psychologist, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, co-author of Lessons in Courage, is featured on a new virtual workshop from The Shift Network called: Puma Medicine: Transforming Your Awareness with Shamanic Power. Learn more and choose your preferred day and time to view the workshop here.
  • Discover the Psychology of the Future!

    Are you personally or professionally interested in psychology, but frustrated by how it often dismisses the study of spirituality, consciousness, and multidimensional realities? Have you been intrigued by or even experienced firsthand how the power of altered states and shamanic consciousness can transform your life? If so, I’m thrilled to connect you with Dr. Stanislav Grof. Stan was one of the earliest — and most accomplished — pioneers who explored these realms through decades of legal scientific research into the therapeutic use of psychedelics. He is renowned for his innovative understanding of non-ordinary states based on experiential forms of psychotherapy, as well as for his studies of art, shamanism, and myth. Stan is presenting a fascinating FREE online psychology course - event: Discovering the Psychology of the Future: New Approaches for Self-exploration & Healing. You can register here.  
  • [Virtual event] Shamanic Journeying Class for Higher Guidance with Sandra Ingerman: A FREE Online Shaman Class

    What if you could learn shamanic journeying to enter a parallel world to receive accurate guidance on the life situations you’re facing? Well, if you have the skills for accessing a higher form of consciousness… you can! Through a practice called shamanic journeying, you can seek and receive this type of guidance and healing for yourself and others. If you’re interested in learning this powerful skill, you won’t want to miss a free, virtual event with Sandra Ingerman, world-renowned teacher of shamanism, called: The Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying: How to Access Inner Guidance from Helping Spirits. You can reserve your free space here for the FREE shaman classes online with Sandra Ingerman
  • New research shows you are literally wired for maximum human potential!

    Human potential pioneer Gregg Braden will share the new science that exposes the limiting beliefs we’ve held about who we are and where we come from when he presents, The New Human Story: Awakening Your Evolutionary Potential for Self-healing, Longevity & Super-perception. Imagine discovering that you’re not what you’ve been told and are far more than you’ve ever imagined… That what we thought we knew about the human condition and the very origins of humanity had been misinterpreted and misunderstood… Choose your preferred day and time to watch this FREE online personal development course here.
  • This FREE Online Chakra Course Will Make Every Cell in Your Body Awaken and Rejoice!

    You’ve probably heard a fair amount about chakra energy centers from yogis, healers and alternative health practitioners. But how do you actually use this knowledge to access a dynamic, always-on flow of life energy to enhance your wellbeing, relationships, sex life, power, vitality and creativity? Fortunately, there are very practical and simple ways to work with chakras, which allow you to tap into a vast field of energy whenever you need it. Take this free online chakra healing course here, before diving into Anodea's paid online chakra healing courses.  


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