Learn 5 scientifically proven ways to influence your epigenetics for a long & healthy life

Learn 5 scientifically proven ways to influence your epigenetics for a long & healthy lifeWhat if you could coax your genes to work FOR you rather than against you…

boosting your longevity and shaping a happier, healthier, more vital you? 

We all know that our daily activities — from what we eat to exercise to our spiritual practice — directly influence our health and wellbeing and even how long we might live.  

At a deeper level, scientific studies confirm that the negative — or positive — effects of our lifestyle choices and mindset also greatly influence our epigenetics (genetic expression). 

It’s increasingly clear that our consciousness directly impacts our genes — and that we can live better lives if we apply this emerging science.

Simply put: Our genes are not our destiny.

On Tuesday, September 27,  2022, integrative medicine pioneer and epigenetics expert Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier will share how to make the science of epigenetics work for you, so you can potentially enhance your immune system, increase bone regeneration, improve your memory, and revitalize your health and wellbeing at every level, actively promoting your longevity. 

You can register here for What If Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny? 5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Influence Your Epigenetics for a Long, Happy & Healthy Life

During this life-enhancing hour, you’ll: 

  • What if your genes are not your destiny?Discover what epigenetics really is 
  • Learn 5 scientifically validated ways to positively influence your genetic expression to live a healthier, happier, and longer life
  • Experience a meditative visualization that can transport you to a future where you are vital, healthy, and free — and help you start positively influencing your gene expression
  • Ponder such questions as Should I eat almonds or walnuts? as you gain fascinating insights into what your epigenetic profile says about what’s best for you
  • Discover how your spiritual practice can not only shift your consciousness but also influence your genes — for the better

We can likely influence as much as 95 percent of our genetic traits!

If your family is genetically prone to heart disease or diabetes, or anxiety, those physical or emotional challenges do not have to be yours. 

You won’t miss this opportunity to begin optimizing your epigenetics… guiding you onto the path of a long, vital, and happy life.

You can RSVP for free here. 

Liz Gracia Editor in Chief & Publisher Scout It Out Guide

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia
Founder & Editor in Chief

P.S. Your epigenetic inheritance is not locked in! During Keys to Optimize Your Gene Expression for Vibrant Health & Longevity, you’ll discover how to retrain your brain for significant epigenetic changes with customized practices (for you!) validated by science — so you can live longer, healthier, and happier.

This event is free; all you need to do is register here.

Here’s what other leading-edge doctors have to say:

Testimonial on the science of epigenetics inheritance and Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier“… cutting-edge insights into the power of epigenetics…”

An integrative medicine pioneer shares cutting-edge insights into the power of epigenetics to upgrade the genetic cards of life you have been dealt.

— Mehmet Oz, MD, Professor and Emmy Award-winning host of The Dr. Oz Show

“Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier’s intent has always been to lead us to discover what more each of us can do to make healthier choices.”

Testimonial on Epigenetice CHanges and Dr. Kenneth R. PelletierDr. Kenneth R. Pelletier’s intent has always been to lead us to discover what more each of us can do to make healthier choices. While the right equation may not be “mind over matter,” it is profoundly true, as Ken likes to say, that our mind matters! That’s why in this book he asks this crucial question: “What does epigenesis tell us about our own untapped potential and our self-limiting beliefs?” Answering it, and coming up with health-optimizing practices based on that answer, is a central purpose of this effort.

— Dr. Andrew Weil, Physician, author, spokesperson


About Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier

Kenneth R. Pelletier, PhD, MD, is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California School of Medicine and the University of Arizona School of Medicine in Tucson. He is also Chairman of the American Health Association and is a vice president with American Specialty Health. At the UCSF School of Medicine, he is the Director of the Corporate Health Improvement Program (CHIP), a research program between CHIP and 15 Fortune 500 corporations, including Ford, Oracle, IBM, Apple, and NASA.

Dr. Pelletier has served as a member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the California Wellness Foundation, Foundation Health Systems (FHS), Health Systems International (HSI), and the Social Venture Network. He was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow, studied at the CG Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland, and has published over 300 professional journal articles in behavioral medicine, disease management, worksite interventions, alternative/integrative medicine, and epigenetics.

His research, clinical practice, and publications have been the subject of numerous national television programs, including several appearances on ABC World News, Today, Good Morning America, CBS Evening News, 48 Hours, McNeil-Lehrer Newshour, the award-winning BBC series The Long Search, and the 5-part PBS series Healthy People, Healthy Business.

Dr. Pelletier is a peer reviewer for several medical journals, including the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and serves on a number of corporate boards. He has published over 300 professional articles and has appeared on ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, and the BBC to discuss his research.

He is the author of 14 books, including the international bestseller Mind as Healer, Mind as Slayer… Holistic Medicine… Healthy People in Unhealthy Places… Sound Mind, Sound Body… The Best Alternative Medicine… Stress Free for Good… New Medicine… and Change Your Genes, Change Your Life.