[New event] Learn the art of self-healing beyond Western medicine Breakthrough healing secrets revealed with Dr. Elena Villanueva

The Shift Network Presents:  Healing Beyond Western Medicine, with Dr. Elena Villanueva, CEO of Modern Holistic Health and co-author of The Longevity Code (now – June 4th, 2024): … you’ll explore Dr. V’s groundbreaking holistic healing approach that combines Newtonian-based sciences of data collection and assessment with quantum science techniques — so you can cultivate emotional health and radiant wellbeing.

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Breakthrough Self-Healing Secrets Revealed

Breakthrough healing secrets revealedMedications can and do save lives — but the truth is, they often address only symptoms rather than work upstream on the causes of health issues.

There have been many advances towards a truly holistic approach to health. We’re excited to have a chance to learn from one of the pioneers at taking a truly integrative approach to creating radiant health — Dr. Elena Villanueva, CEO of Modern Holistic Health and co-author of The Longevity Code.

Join us on Thursday, May 16, for a special one-hour event as Dr. V shares how you can become your own doctor and healer when you alchemize your body’s own healing potential — using her proven combination of daily nutritional, physical, and mindfulness practices to support and accelerate the healing process.

Register for this FREE event right here. 

Discover the latest advancements in Newtonian science, combined with the application of quantum science, can help you heal from chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, and related conditions

In this hour-long free online event, which builds upon decades of research, you’ll explore:

  • Discover A somatic release tool called “Pain Paradigm,” featuring “Perceptual Positions,” an easy yet powerful neurological rewiring techniqueWhy we’re sicker and more depressed than ever before, even with all the so-called “advancements” in medicine — and share Elena’s perspectives on the root causes of the collective mental and physical suffering

  • How the latest advancements in Newtonian science, combined with the application of quantum science, can help you heal from chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, and related conditions

  • How toxins in your environment are often the root cause of your symptoms, conditions, and even diseases — and how you can address these toxins to reclaim your health and protect your loved ones

  • How your trauma, beliefs, and emotions may be making you sick and unable to heal — and how you can unearth what makes your brain, body, and DNA work for you instead of against you

  • A somatic release tool called “Pain Paradigm,” featuring “Perceptual Positions,” an easy yet powerful neurological rewiring technique to help you begin to shift your perspective — so you can ultimately create your own reality and healthy outcomes

Dr. V’s easy-to-understand insights are backed by data, case studies, and a 95% success rate in reversing chronic conditions. She’s ultra-clear, empowering, and inspiring.

I hope you’ll join us!

RSVP here.

Liz Gracia Founder, Editor in Chief & Host of YOur Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of The Awakening Quest: 1001 Ways to True Power & Conscious Elevated Living Podcast and HighVibeTribeTV.com

P.S. In the hour-long event, Healing Beyond Western Medicine, with Dr. Elena Villanueva, CEO of Modern Holistic Health and co-author of The Longevity Code…

… you’ll explore Dr. V’s groundbreaking holistic healing approach that combines Newtonian-based sciences of data collection and assessment with quantum science techniques — so you can cultivate emotional health and radiant wellbeing.

Available now through June 4th, 2024 ONLY!

Register right here.

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Ever wonder how we keep our curiosity’s lantern burning bright around here? Some of the links on our site are our secret sauce. If you click and decide to make a purchase or sign up for a service, we might earn a nibble of commission. It’s like tossing a yarn ball our way, and we promise, it doesn’t cost you any extra! Our recommendations are always purr-sonal; we wouldn’t guide you to anything we wouldn’t chase ourselves.

About Your Modern Holistic Health Instructor

Dr. Elena VillanuevaDr. Elena Villanueva is an international speaker, health influencer, and the producer and host of several groundbreaking health-based educational series, including Beyond the Pill and The Mastering Trauma Masterclass. She is co-author of The Longevity Code, and has been featured on FOX News, MSN, Healthline, Houston Chronicle, and many other media outlets.

Dr. V and her team teach evidence-based approaches for finding and treating the underlying causes of chronic illness and mental health conditions. They run a multifaceted trauma and emotional release program that also addresses chronic diseases and mental health conditions that are rooted in unresolved trauma and unprocessed emotions.

After Dr. V’s unique approach and outstanding clinical outcomes gained attention in the health and wellness spheres back in 2019, she started speaking at medical conferences. She now runs a practitioner certification program, teaching doctors and coaches her potent data-driven approaches to achieving excellent clinical outcomes with chronic illnesses while also ensuring they understand how to scale their businesses using the six pillars of business success.