Stephen Cope Teacher on HOw to Find your true callingFinding Your Life Purpose, Your True Calling, an Online Course with Stephen Cope

To know your true calling—your reason for being here—is perhaps the greatest desire within each of us. But how many of us can really say we know our life purpose with certainty?

Most of us feel at least some level of confusion, anxiety, and even fear around the subject. We’re told to “follow your bliss” or “make a difference,” but we’re never really taught how.

What if there were a time-tested guide for discovering and fulfilling your true calling and awakening to your life purpose?

As it turns out, such a map exists. The Bhagavad Gita—a classic text of yoga wisdom that has inspired generations to live more meaningful lives—offers us an essential guide for finding your life purpose, your true north.

In Your True Calling, you’ll learn how to use this powerful map to discover and align with your unique life purpose.

Taught by Stephen Cope, MSW, a Kripalu ambassador, scholar-in-residence, and founder and former director of the Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary Living, the largest yoga research institute in the Western world.