This is a category for online courses that helps you learn how to love yourself, forgive yourself, accept yourself, be vulnerable and shift into a higher level of consciousness on the topic of you.

  • An Online Michael Singer Course: Living from a Place of Surrender, The Untethered Soul in Action

    This online Michael Singer course includes more than nine hours of never-before-seen video sessions with Michael A. Singer,  supplementary practices, and bonus teachings and offerings. The teachings in this course are meant to set you firmly on the path of spiritual surrender, in order to liberate your inner energy and live in harmony with the flow of life. Here are some of the profound benefits:
    • FREEDOM FROM STRUGGLE: Let go of chronic anxiety and stress through the art and practice of personal surrender
    • CLARITY AND CALM: Shift from a noisy mind to a beautiful mind that works for you instead of against you
    • SPONTANEOUS JOY: Experience the natural effulgence of well-being that arises when you decide to open your heart and never close it again
    • HARMONY IN RELATIONSHIP: Transform the way you interact with others by discovering who we are in our most essential nature
    • ENERGETIC RENEWAL: Clear negative emotions and inner blockages to return to your true power
    • CREATIVE INSPIRATION: Open to the wisdom that life itself is waiting to share with you
      Michael Singer Course Online The Unthered Soul in Action

    Get all the details of the Michael Singer Course here!

    Or if you'd like to dip your toes in the water, you can start with his FREE 3 Part Video Series: The Untethered Soul in Action here.

  • Sale!

    Marianne Williamson Brings Us Beyond Our Deepest Fears in A BOLD Online Course

    Original price was: $397.Current price is: $197.

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." ˜ A Return to Love

    Dear friend,
    It’s been some time since I wrote those words. And I’m honored that so many people have found inspiration from that little part of a much larger teaching.
    But there’s a big difference between finding inspiration and living an inspired life.
    To me, there’s no greater pain than feeling like you are not doing what you were put on this earth to do.
    And there’s no greater frustration than feeling stuck when it comes to offering the full expression of the love in our hearts.
    Today, I invite you to join me in an online course designed to change all that.
    We’ll be making a journey from our heads to our souls, to reconnect to the real source of power that lies within.
    Over the span of eight weeks—including two Q&A sessions—you will learn to make the shift in perception that will align you with a power truly beyond measure. And you’ll walk away with the tools to help you stay aligned with it.
    It’s a privilege for me to share this program with you at this time—and my deepest hope is that you will come to know and express who you really are and why you’re really here.
    I look forward to joining you in the course!
    Marianne Williamson
    All my best,
  • A Personal Letter from Pema Chödrön

    “You can only go into the unknown when you have made friends with yourself.” —Pema Chödrön

    Dear friends, We are, by our very nature, vulnerable beings. We resist that which makes us uncomfortable, and when faced with feelings of vulnerability—whether from loss, fear, or self-criticism—we automatically put up barriers. But we cannot ever truly avoid feeling vulnerable—it’s part of the human experience. By getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable, however, we can work toward taming the one thing that causes the most suffering—the mind. In the Buddhist Contemplative Tradition, we are taught that our fundamental state of being is one where we are wide open, awake, and possessing an immense capacity for love.
    • What if you could learn to embrace the full spectrum of your experience with unconditional warmth, openness, and kindness?

    • What if you no longer "hated" being vulnerable and, instead of overwhelming you, your emotions became your teachers?

    • What if you chose gentle acceptance of yourself and others over harsh judgment?

    By staying present to whatever arises in your mind, you can begin to make just such a shift in thinking. My deepest hope is that you will learn how to treat your own life experience with the same love and support you offer your truest friends. Living with Vulnerability Online Course with Pem ChodronAnd that as you begin to unravel your habitual patterns—fear of vulnerability, aversion to discomfort, nagging self-criticism—you will open yourself up and experience your true nature filled with limitless potential. Pema Chödrön
  • An online HSP Program Designed to Help You Understand Yourself Better and Love Yourself First as a Highly Sensitive Person.

    Julie-Bjelland-HSP therapist- HSP program HSP training onlineDo you experience high stress, anxiety, and feel overwhelmed often? What if your sensitivity could be your greatest strength?

    It can be hard to love who you are as a highly sensitive person when you are struggling to live in a world not set up for your sensitivities. I know, because that used to be my experience too and that is a really hard way to live.

    But the trait of high sensitivity exists for a reason. It evolved as a survival strategy of the population and is essential for communities to thrive. Most of our challenges as highly sensitive people can be drastically reduced when we understand what we need to thrive.

    When you learn how to love yourself and be confident and you are caring for yourself in the right ways, you access your gifts. We need highly sensitive people showing up fully embracing their gifts and sharing them with the world.

    You are gifted and needed.

    My goal for this online HSP program and training course is to help you truly understand yourself and get to know what helps you become the best version of yourself so you can Bloom Brilliantly in the world and in your life.


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