Wheels of Life Chakra Workshop for the Chakra System with Anodea Judith

2019-11-29T19:48:55-06:00July 11th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |

Open and heal your chakra system to feel more energized, vibrant, and alive! Do you long to feel more alive and comfortable in your body, and more ecstatically connected to the Divine? The good news [...]

Wheels of Life Chakra Healing Workshop with Anodea Judith

2019-11-15T10:40:24-06:00July 22nd, 2017|Tags: , , , , , |

Chakra healing and awakening  through your energy centers Light up your chakras: free virtual event w/Anodea Judith You’ve probably heard a fair amount about the chakra energy centers from yogis, healers and alternative health practitioners. But how [...]


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