If you are reading this, chances are you have a strong sense of a mission you want to fulfill. You may have even devoted your life to fulfilling this higher calling, which means your truest fulfillment comes from living your purpose fully!  

Free online event with Tim Kelley: The Secrets to Living Your Soul's PurposeUnfortunately, if you are like most people with a big mission, you may find yourself experiencing all sorts of internal resistance when you attempt to manifest what is uniquely yours to do. Self-doubt, criticism, financial fears and confusion can cloud your clear vision and delay or completely sabotage your ability to live your purpose.

But what if you had a way to turn these “problems” and “challenges” into allies of your mission?

Well… you can.

Tim Kelley, founder of True Purpose, is going to be sharing his methods for working with higher guidance to turn these challenges around during a free virtual event on Saturday, June 6, called:

FREE Online Event with Tim Kelley
The Secrets to Living Your Soul’s Mission:
Crossing the Threshold to Living a Life on Purpose.

Register for this free session here: FREE Online Event Registration Here

A former military officer, and software engineer, Tim has worked with political leaders, billionaires, and hundreds of business leaders from such companies as Nabisco, role of npp in stack ING, Oracle, Lexmark and AOL.

Tim is known in these high level circles as the go-to-teacher for learning how to consistently access higher guidance, a skill that is remarkably practical (and simple once you develop the “muscle”).

He’s also very gifted at showing people how to transform internal resistance and blocks and get your whole being harmoniously aligned with manifesting your mission.

Please don’t miss this opportunity to connect to Tim and experience his proven methods:

FREE Registration Here for The Secrets to Living Your Soul’s Purpose

Liz Gracia
Publish & Editor in Chief
The ScoutItOut.Guide

PS: This event will be recorded and everyone who registers will receive the recording. If you are ready to have a successful, purposeful life guided by your deepest wisdom, then enroll now for this FREE call with True Purpose founder Tim Kelley: The Shift Network presents this FREE online event with Tim Kelley: The Secret’s to Living Your Soul’s Purpose Saturday June 6, 2015.