Hay House Summit 2019 Event Calendar & Speaker Lineup: DAY 2

Hay House Heal Summit Daily Event Calendar and Speaker Lineup

Thursday, October 24-Day 2: Healing Chronic Illness

Anthony William Featured Speaker at The Hay HOuse HEAL SUmmit 2019

Anthony William

Anthony William
Length: 1:09:46

Title: Proven Solutions to Remove Toxicity and Restore Your Health

Description: This year, millions of people will hear a doctor say, “You have an autoimmune condition,” “you have cancer,” or “you have anxiety.” But, as #1 New York Times best-selling author and Medical Medium Anthony William assures you, that doesn’t mean you’re doomed to struggle with illness for the rest of your life. In this value-packed lesson, you’ll learn how to prevent this future and live with the health you desire, and you deserve… all starting now.

You’ll learn…

  • How to heal autoimmune illness without medication.
  • Why you’re sick—the #1 reason for the growing epidemic of chronic illness.
  • The surprising virus behind kidney disease.
  • A powerful tool that can heal your body in weeks.
  • Three causes of anxiety and depression.
  • A detoxifying plan to heal your brain and liver.
  • One food that you must avoid at all costs.

—Action Step—

Anthony believes your body is never letting you down when you get sick. What do you think your body is telling you when you don’t feel well? Be detailed. How can you begin to address this in your life now? What are some ways you can take a more active role in healing it?

“Your body is working for you and it wants you to heal.” — Anthony William

About Anthony William

Anthony William was born with the unique ability to converse with a high-level spirit who provides him with extraordinarily accurate health information that’s often far ahead of its time. When Anthony was four years old, he shocked his family by announcing at the dinner table that his symptom-free grandmother had lung cancer. Medical testing soon confirmed the diagnosis.Anthony has also become an invaluable resource to doctors who need help solving their most difficult cases. He is the author of the New York Timesbest-selling book, Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal.

Speaker Lineup Day 2 Heal Summit: Chris WarkChris Wark
Length: 1:29:19

Title: Igniting the Power Needed to Fuel Cancer Recovery

Description: In this lesson, Chris Wark shares a sneak peek into the diet, mind-set, and daily practices that helped him beat stage III colon cancer at the age of 26. Through the details of his amazing healing journey, you’ll discover the alternatives to traditional chemotherapy that helped him heal cancer painlessly and while maintaining his vigor and zest for life.

You’ll learn…

  • A step-by-step process to heal cancer for good.
  • What to do if your family and doctors don’t support your methods.
  • The “weird, fringe diet” that helped Chris the most.
  • How to amplify your instincts and make better health choices.
  • The single most important tool you need to succeed in your cancer journey.
  • What a tumor really is—and how to know if surgery and chemotherapy might not be the best choice.

—Action Step—

Take a moment to consider your diet. What do you eat in a typical day? Keeping this in mind, ask yourself: What is one healthy dietary change I can add into my daily routine, starting now? What is it? Can you commit to doing this daily?

“Trust that your body can heal if you give it the right nutrients and care.” — Chris Wark

“In order to heal cancer, you have to create an environment where cancer can’t thrive.” — Chris Wark

About Chris Wark

Chris Wark is an author, speaker and health coach. Hewas diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in 2003 at 26 years old. He had surgery, but instead of chemotherapy used nutrition and natural therapies to heal himself. Chris has lectured at smoothie bars, health and wellness events, hospitals, churches, culinary schools, Whole Foods Market and more. Chris has made many appearances on radio and television including The Ricki Lake Show and The Lisa Oz Show, he was also featured in The Truth About Cancer docu-series and in the award-winning documentaryfilm The C Word. Chris inspires countless people to take control of their health andreverse disease with a radical transformation of diet and lifestyle.

Speaker Lineup Day 2 Heal Summit: Felicia YuFelicia Yu, M.D.
Length: 48:21

Title: Removing Blocks to Healing with East-West Integrative Medicine

Description: Medicine is undergoing a massive transformation. Whereas years earlier, “cut and drug” was the end-all, be-all… lately, things are beginning to shift. Few people know this quite like medical doctor, Chinese Medicine practitioner, and UCLA faculty-member Felicia Yu, M.D. As part of UCLA’s East West Medicine school, Dr. Yu is at the forefront of the healing revolution, teaching
Hay House Affiliate Program 6 HEAL 2019
how to create a healing plan that works for you. In this lesson, you’ll learn how she’s helped patients heal by blending allopathic with Chinese Medicine, food, mind-set work, and more. Watch now…

You’ll learn…

  • The questions you must ask your doctor now… or else.
  • About a supplement to help you sleep better.
  • Key ways to use diet to improve your health now.
  • What mystery illness is really trying to tell you, and how to heal it.
  • How to help loved ones find the right healing path for them.
  • The art of choosing the best doctor, and why this can make the biggest difference in your recovery.

—Action Step—

What has been your experience with modern medicine so far? What alternative healing methods would you like to learn more about? What inspired you most about this lesson today?

“We’re amazing creatures and superecosystems. No one medicine is going to be one- size-fitsall.” — Felicia Yu, M.D.

About Felicia Yu, M.D.

Felicia You is currently an Assistant Clinical Professor of Health Sciences at the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine. Originally from Birmingham, AL, she obtained her B.A. in Art History from Dartmouth College and M.D. from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Shecompleted her internal medicine training at Olive View-UCLA Medical Center. In addition, she completed a two-year East-West Primary Care fellowship at the UCLA Center for East West Medicine and a certification in Culinary Medicine through Tulane University. Much like her appreciation for the marriage of apparent opposites: the arts and sciences, she was drawn to the integrative approach of the East-West philosophy of utilizing various healing modalities with the goal of optimizing quality oflife through balance and moderation. She is currently involved in helping to build a patient-centered medical home and is taking the lead in establishing group culinary medicine classes at the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine.

Be the Ripple in the Pond: Share Wisdom, Ignite Spirits!

About the Author:

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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