Series 3 Meditation Guidance -Schedule of Events and Speaker Lineup Series 2 Consciousness You Can Heal Your Life Summit May 4th - May 6th 2020

Meditation Guidance Series 3 of The Hay House Summit 2020 Schedule of Events & Speaker Lineup:

Meditation Guidance: Experience Calm Everywhere You Go

Monday, May 4th, 2020 4 pm PT – Wednesday, May 6, 2020, 3:59 pm PT

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Meditation Series of Lessons--- Experience Calm Everywhere You May 4th - 16th in the You Can Heal Your Life Summit

Schedule of Events Meditation Guidance Series 3 Hay House Summit

Series 3 Meditation Guidance Hay HOuse Speaker Matteo PistonoMatteo Pistono

Format: Video

Series 3 Meditation Guidance Title: A Body-Scanning Method to Increase Your Awareness

Description: By now, you know that meditation isn’t just for yogis Buddhist monks. More and more, meditation guidance  is being embraced by people from all walks of life. In this pre-recorded lesson from meditation guidance teacher and author Matteo Pistono, you’ll experience its benefits firsthand. By learning to scan your body with this simple meditation, featured in his Introduction to Meditation Course—you’ll learn to experience your body as a witness and finetune your awareness to focus more intently on what matters most to you.

You’ll learn:

  • The sacred roots of meditation and how it’s become a household word in the past ten years.
  • Breathwork and mindfulness techniques that will help you tune into your body and its needs.
  • How to use meditation to overcome and work through the pain.
  • An awareness-increasing meditation that will help you manage and diffuse your discomfort.

Spring Washam

Format: Audio
Title: Creating True Sovereignty in Your Own Body
Description: Do you feel that you own, and belong, in your own skin? Do you feel that deep sense of peace, relaxation, happiness, and enjoyment that comes from accepting yourself fully? Your body is filled with wisdom that you can tap into anytime when you learn how. In this lesson with meditation guidance teacher, author, and visionary leader Spring Washam, you’ll learn how to shift your focus out of your head, so that you can build a relationship with your body that’s rich in awareness, compassion, and harmony—all as a truly sovereign being.
You’ll learn:
  • Two phrases that you can repeat to generate boundless love within your body now.
  • How to release painful memories from the body and get to a pure state of relaxed awareness in the moment.
  • The four qualities that comprise heart practices and can help you center in the midst of stress.

Meditation Guidance from Rajshree PatelRajshree Patel

Format: Meditation Guidance Video

Title: A Sound Meditation to Help You Relax and Experience Serenity

Description: “Everything we do and do not want, is rooted in the mind,” says author, teacher, and meditation guidance master Rajshree Patel in this pre-recorded lesson. Are you cultivating peaceful, calm energy? Or are you suffering at the hands of endless mental chatter that consistently veers into the negative? Today, you’ll discover how to quiet that chatter and create a peaceful, empty mind with this relaxing, breath-focused sound meditation that will help you stay centered and present.

You’ll learn:

  • How to distinguish negative thoughts from positive ones, and redirect them so that you feel good, more often.
  • Processes to clear incessant thoughts and create a sense of peace and stillness within.
  • Strategies you can use today to begin feeling sharper and more present, moment to moment.

Meditation Guidance Series 3 Rebekah Borucki at the Hay HOuse Summit 2020Rebekah Borucki

Format:  Video
Title: Creating Time in Your Schedule to Truly Flourish
Description: Do you ever find yourself “taking on” someone else’s responsibility? Maybe you’re the one who steps up in your family or takes on the tasks that no one else wants to do. Over time and unexpectedly, you just feel overwhelmed and exhausted. In this lesson, RebekahBorucki from BEXLIFE and the Blissed in Wellness movement, helps you see the secret ways you may be taking on things that are not yours to take on. She also illuminates the problem with most To-Do lists, while also leading you into a journaling exercise to make more space for what’s actually advancing your life. She also guides you in an abundance of meditation guidance to help you begin attracting more of the good stuff. You know, the stuff you really want in your life.
You’ll learn:
  • A toss-the-list journaling exercise to help you generate more creativity and productivity—without To-Dos.
  • How to weigh your day’s responsibilities so you can make more time for what matters.
  • A 5-minute Abundance Meditation to help you recognize and accept how deserving you are.

Esther HicksEsther Hicks

Format: Movie
Title: Chill Out!
Description: In this inspirational online video, Esther and Jerry Hicks present the teachings of the non-physical entity Abraham, whom Esther calls “infinite intelligence” and Jerry refers to as “the purest form of love I’ve ever encountered.”
You’ll learn:
  • How to put a motor on your boat and speed up the process of manifesting your desires.
  • How the Law of Attraction sits in relationship to the other Laws of the Universe.
  • How you can stop repeating the same relationship mistakes over and over again.
  • What to do if the magic of a new relationship fades away

Davidji on Meditation GuidanceDavidji

Format: Meditation Guidance Video

Title: Using Meditation to Tune Into the Four Needs of Your Heart

Description: If you knew how worthy you are of love, acceptance, belonging, abundance, and more—you’d be shocked. But your worthiness is stitched into you, and no matter how far you feel like you drift from it—it’s always there, waiting for you to remember. In this lesson with meditation teacher and author davidji, you’ll discover how to open a dialogue with Universal guidance and awaken the spark inside you. With davidji’s warm support, you’ll feel prepared to tune into the four needs of your heart and let more love in.

You’ll learn:

  • How to experience more Divine Love than ever before—regardless of your past, your fears or your personal background.
  • A technique to help you open a private dialogue with the Universe—and hear the whispers of God around you.
  • The four needs of the heart, and inspiring ways to fulfill them.

Matt Kahn

Title: Practices to Help You Open Your Heart and Heal Your Body

Description: Opening your heart allows your nervous system to relax and wakes you up from the fight or flight response that maintains negative reactionary thoughts. In this lesson with author and empathic healer Matt Kahn, you’ll discover how to listen to the sensations of your body.

In no time, you’ll be able to build an alliance between your thoughts and physical well-being to accomplish the goals you’ve always dreamed of.

You’ll learn:

  • How to snap out of fight-or-flight and generate a sense of calm, even during stressful situations.
  • A soothing, heart-opening meditation that will break you out of emotional and fear-based decision loops.
  • A process to help you ignite your body’s ability to heal itself now.

Robert Holden meditation GUidanceRobert Holden, Ph.D.

Format: Video

Title: Wisdom to Help You Love Yourself Every Day

Description: You are naturally worthy and lovable, but feeling that way is another story. How do you transcend the “gap” between knowing your worthiness intellectually and experiencing it daily? In this humorous, pre-recorded lesson from author and coach Robert Holden, Ph.D., he’ll help you see how effortless loving yourself truly can be. It just takes a few reminders, and this lesson is full of them—from quotes by Louise Hay, to Mary Oliver, to the Bhagavad Gita, to Holden’s light-hearted stories about his life.

You’ll learn:

  • How to strive publicly for your goals, even when you’re afraid of being criticized.
  • Why “love in action” is the greatest spiritual path—and how to walk it.
  • The #1 reason you’re lovable as you are. May this give you permission to forgive yourself now.
  • A key to self-love that requires nothing from you, and how to practice it.

“Yes, we carry the fear that we’re not lovable, but there’s a love that can handle that.” —Robert Holden, Ph.D.

“Find a spirituality that isn’t afraid of the world.”—Robert Holden, Ph.D.

“When you’re afraid, it’s a sure sign you’re trying to do life by yourself.”—Robert Holden, Ph.D.

“Love is like the artist’s muse. Love is the greatest medicine. Love is our holy purpose.”—Robert Holden, Ph.D.

Rolf Gates part of the Speaker Lineup in the Hay House 2020 You Can Heal Your Life Summit 2020Rolf Gates

Format: Audio

Series 3 Meditation Guidance Title: UsingYoga to Breeze through Challenges and Create New Opportunities

Description: Bursts of extreme stress happen to all of us, and each of them to varying degrees. But as pervasive as these experiences are, we somehow aren’t taught to navigate through them with grace. In this lesson, acclaimed author and Communities Rizing founder Rolf Gates discusses incredible ways that you can use yoga to generate resilience, breeze through challenges with an open heart, and create new, better opportunities.

You’ll learn:

  • The three rules of yoga to help you get through anything.
  • A simple two-step method to identify when you’re contracted and relax immediately.
  • One phrase that will help you hit the reset button and regain a sense of purpose and direction.

Schedule of Events and Speaker Lineup for the Hay House You Can Heal Your Life Summit 2020

Everydat Tools for Everyday LivingSeries 1:
Spirituality – Reconnect with Your Spiritual Roots

Thursday, April 30 @ 8:00AM PT – Saturday, May 2 @ 3:59PM PT

Series 2:
Consciousness – Ignite the Power of Awareness

Saturday, May 2 @ 4:00PM PT – Monday, May 4 @ 3:59PM PT

Series 3:
Meditation Guidance – Experience Calm Everywhere You Go

Monday, May 4 @ 4:00PM PT – Wednesday, May 6 @ 3:59PM PT

Series 4:
Energy Healing – Using Energy Tools to Heal

Wednesday, May 6 @ 4:00PM PT – Friday, May 8 @ 3:59PM PT

Series 5:
Health – Create Radiant Health and Well-Being

Friday, May 8 @ 4:00PM PT – Sunday, May 10 @ 3:59PM PT

Series 6:
Personal Growth– Become the Person You Want to Be

Sunday, May 10 @ 4:00PM PT – Tuesday, May 12 @ 3:59PM PT

Series 7:
Abundance – Create Prosperity in Your Life

Tuesday, May 12 @ 4:00PM PT – Thursday, May 14 @ 3:59PM PT

Series 8:
Life Purpose – Discover Your Unique Destiny

Thursday, May 14 @ 4:00PM PT – Saturday, May 16 @ 3:59 PM PT