Hay House Summit 2019 Event Calendar & Speaker Lineup: DAY 3

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Hay House Heal Summit Daily Event Calendar and Speaker Lineup

Friday, October 25-Day 3: Healing Your Mind

Hay HOuse Summit Event Calendar Speaker Lineup Day 3: Dawson ChurchDawson Church, Ph.D.
Length: 1:15:44

Title: 3 Powerful Tools to Heal Chronic Health Issues

Description: With this lesson, discover a masterful set of tools from best-selling author and scientist Dawson Church. Learn how to reach elevated spiritual states, rebuild your life magnificently, create longevity, and more. Plus, he even shares the fascinating science behind heightened states of being, including what’s happening in your body when you feel bliss, joy, exuberance, peace of mind, and more… and how to get there more often.

You’ll learn…

  • How to program your mind to think positively on autopilot.
  • A method to repair tissue damage and lengthen your lifespan.
  • How to increase stress-relieving hormones in your body naturally.
  • About a substance that can improve your immune system by 113%.
  • How to trigger a steady flood of the bliss molecule in your brain.
  • A 90-second practice to create heart coherence now.

—Action Step—

Which of Dawson’s three tools resonated most with you? How do you envision incorporating this or more of his tools into your life now?

“We live in a benevolent universe that is overflowing with love and the only variable is our capacity to receive it.” — Dawson Church

Hay House Summit Event Calendar Speaker Lineup Day 3: Dr. Mike DowDr. Mike Dow
Length: 1:04:24

Title: Accessing the Subconscious to Heal Your Body and Your Past

Description: By now, you’ve probably heard of hypnosis. But did you know you can do it yourself in just a few minutes per day? Best-selling author, psychotherapist, and frequent guest on The Doctors and The Dr. Oz Show Dr. Mike Dow shares a simple hypnotherapy method that he’s used to help patients heal from chronic illness, phobias, emotional pain, and more. Blending affirmations, conscious meditation, and hypnotherapy—this tool provides a POWERFUL threepronged approach to healing that is having miraculousYou’ll learn…

You’ll learn…

  • The surprising emotional issue underlying digestive issues.
  • Simple steps to turn off phobias in minutes.
  • How to melt away pain now by imagining these simple images.
  • Five substances that help regenerate neural tissue.
  • Three illnesses that hypnosis is perfect for. Could it help you heal yours?
  • Five sulfur-rich foods that detox the brain.

—Action Step—

Transport yourself to a place in your mind where you feel perfectly at peace—a mountaintop, rainforest, riverbed, or ocean—tell yourself over and over, “I am lovable, and I am worthy.” Repeat these words until you feel a sense of peace come over you. After a few minutes, return to the present moment. How do you feel? What did you imagine? And did you have any visions or insights?

“The race is long, but it’s only with yourself.” — Dr. Mike Dow

Hay House Summit Event Calendar Speaker Lineup Day 3: Dannete MayDanette May
Length: 52:37

Title: Self-Love Rituals to Be Happier and Healthier Now

Description: Danette May’s personal story is one of redemption, courage, and transformation. She was at her wit’s end—ravaged by a relationship gone wrong and the loss of her infant son. Then? Something changed. Her spirits lifted. She started moving in a new direction. A direction that eventually led to millions of followers, a thriving health and wellness business, and the love of her dreams. The steps she followed to get to this incredible place are repeatable, and you’ll learn them all during this heartfelt lesson. In pure Danette-fashion, she also shares a comprehensive, detailed list of the best tools she’s used to help heal her heart, mind, and body over the years. This is a list you do not want to miss.

You’ll learn…

  • Two essential ways to trigger a shift, even at your most stuck.
  • Three self-love rituals you can use to be happier and more productive.
  • The surprising food that breaks down elastin and causes premature aging.
  • Superfoods that nourish your brain and keep you toxin-free.

—Action Step—

Danette says that “movement is one of the quickest ways to change your mental state.” What are some ways you can incorporate more movement into your life now, at home, at work, and on-the-go?

“The body is so profound and so efficient, that when it’s toxic, it can’t think creatively, it can’t do things that feel good—it’s just in survival mode. Remove toxins from your diet now.” — Danette May

Be the Ripple in the Pond: Share Wisdom, Ignite Spirits!

About the Author:

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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