The GATE Method Facilitator Directory

An online business directory of conscious energy healers and mindful GATE Method practitioners.

GATE Method Facilitators2019-08-28T10:57:54-06:00
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About Our GATE Method® Facilitator Directory

Looking for energy healing practitioners? The Mind Body Spirit Network brings together alternative and holistic health practitioners in the field of energy medicine.

The Gate Method Facilitator Directory of Energy healersDr. Oz says energy healing is the new medicine. As energy healing is still a burgeoning alternative approach to healing it can still be difficult to find an energy healer in certain parts of the country.

The GATE Method is another form or modality of intuitive energy healing and  is a practice that can be administered remotely. Find a GATE Method energy worker  that works in person or remotely here.

The Mind Body Spirit Network is an alternative online business directory for practitioners of alternative health, holistic health and GATE Method energy medicine.

We are also a conscious community of alternative healers and expert contributors of content to our holistic health blogs on energy medicine, High Vibe TV and our monthly High Vibe Tribe Book Reviews on video.

Check Out Our Directory of Energy Healers &  GATE Method Practitioners

Discover How to Read Palms: What Your Lifeline Can Tell You

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Here is some useful information about how to read palms, specifically, the life line of the palm. The life line is the most misunderstood line of the palm. It is still widely believed that this[...]

Guardian Angels. Spirit Guides. They Really Exist

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Are You a Nutrition Specialist or Health Coach? Would You Like to See Your Helpful Tips Here?

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SEO Page 1 Google Search Results for Our 1st Online Directory Member

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I'm more than thrilled  by the Page #1 Local Google results success I've already started to see with the our 1st Official Member of (and her listing has only been live for less than[...]

Take Your Self Care to an Enhanced & Informed Level with Our Resources Related to Energy Healing Tools and Teachings 

Want to Learn Energy Healing for Yourself?


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The Energy of Money with Wealth Consciousness Coach Sarah McCrum

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Activate the Generous & Loving Energy of Money with Sarah McCrum (now - July 23rd, 2024):  Change how you think about money to unlock your abundance codes. Invite abundance by aligning your values[...]

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Discover How to Break the Cycle of Legacy Trauma [EVENT]

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The Shift Network Presents--- Break the Cycle of Legacy Trauma: Move From Scarcity Into Abundance by Healing Your Familial Wounds with Dr. Arielle Schwartz, PhD (now- July 1st, 2024): Heal the cycle of legacy[...]

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Discover Mind-to-Matter Science with Dawson Church

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The Shift Network Presents... Discover Mind-to-Matter Science: Train Your Brainwaves to Transform Your Health & Create Your Own Reality with Dawson Church, PhD (now through May 21st, 2024):  Discover how to train your[...]


Online Courses Related to Energy Healing

For Energy Healers & GATE Method Practitioners:

The Mind Body Spirit Network is an holistic health online business directory for practitioners of energy medicine, including the GATE Method.

We are also a conscious community of alternative healers and expert contributors of content to our holistic health blogs on energy medicine, High Vibe TV and our monthly High Vibe Tribe Book Reviews on video. You could be one of them!

The Mind Body Spirit Network inspires complementary and alternative medicine and holistic practitioners (including energy healers, ThetaHealers, Angel Therapy Practitioners, GATE Method facilitators, Reiki Masters, IET professionals, Reconnection practitioners, etc…) to reimagine, up-level and leverage their online marketing investment with simple, innovative local SEO content marketing, social media, and professional web design strategies that get you outta the gate from the get go!

Stop floundering with online overwhelm!

Come partner with a conscious community and powerful intentional brand, The Mind Body Spirit Network, it’s way more than just an online business directory!

Inspired to See Your Business Listed Here?

Know someone in need of an energy healing-GATE Method facilitator? Share this!


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