Dream Summit 2022 The Shift Network Dreamwork Summit 2022

Dreamwork Summit 2022: Reveal your dream’s wisdom to heal and regulate emotions. Harness the essential wisdom of your intuitive, prophetic subconscious. Travel beyond the veil to connect with departed loved ones. Become fluent in the language of your subconscious for insight, creativity & renewed purpose. Harness the power of your dreams for insight, guidance & renewed purpose.

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Harness the Power of  Your Dreams for Insight, Guidance & Renewed Purpose During the 2022 Dream Summit

The Dream Summit 2022: Harness the essential wisdom of your intuitive, prophetic subconsciousHave you been experiencing more intense, vivid, or wondrous dreams lately?

Dreams can offer a glimpse into deeper states of consciousness and core desires, and provide prophetic guidance on what lies ahead during your waking life.

Not only is this an unprecedented time for dreaming, but there’s also a collective shift toward looking at dreamwork differently. 

Dreamwork explores how to tap into the intelligence of your subconscious and harness that wisdom with practical application.

The Dreamwork Summit 2022 will support you in developing a more profound relationship with sleeping, dreaming, and decoding the soul-aligned guidance you receive at night. By diving deeper into the psychology and techniques of dreamwork, you can activate emotional healing, practice lucid dreaming, and access new cognitive states. 

During this 5-day free online event, you’ll explore a variety of creative dreamwork methods that can help you:

  • Develop routines for better-quality sleep and expanded vitality during the day
  • Enrich your psychic gifts through shamanic journeys, prophetic dreams, and Indigenous dream practices
  • Expand receptivity to signs, symbols, and synchronicities so you can decode their wisdom and apply their practical guidance
  • Interpret your dream themes to extract wisdom, regulate emotions, reduce stress, and increase joy and creativity in everyday life

Free Online Event
Dream Summit 2022
April 18 – 22, 2022

The Dreamwork Summit 2022

This event, presented by The Shift Network, features more than 40 master dream teachers and psychology experts — including Robert Moss, Don Alejandro Apaza, Sandra Ingerman, Dr. Clare Johnson, Dinesh Ghodke, Robert Hoss, and Khurshed Batliwala

… each of whom will be offering effective practices, tools, and techniques for tapping into the soul-guided wisdom, healing power, and creative inspiration within your dreams. 

 During this groundbreaking 5-day dream guidance event, you’ll:

  • Connect to your spirit guides and the spiritual dimension through lucid dreamingConnect to your spirit guides and the spiritual dimension through lucid dreaming
  • Practice identifying and accessing psychic dreams and precognitive states
  • Understand how Jungian analysts and psychiatrists approach dreamwork and psychic elements in dreams
  • Discover why after-death-communication experiences (ADCs) are a natural part of grieving
  • Animate a living image of your nightmares through Dream Tending to heal trauma
  • Take a shamanic journey to deepen your understanding on different kinds of dreams and see into the future
  • Engage in Indigenous dream practices to create a new blueprint for your reality
  • Apply methods for inducing lucid dreaming and find safety in lucid nightmares
  • Explore European bee shamanism to create profound changes in your life that are aligned with nature
  • And much more…

Understand how Jungian analysts and psychiatrists approach dreamwork and psychic elements in dreamsDreamwork is an invitation to gently uncover your psyche’s rich repository of symbols, colors, sensations, and images… and discover limitless resources for alchemizing life’s “nightmares” into intuitive guidance, prophecy, and joy.

Dreamwork can help you cultivate courage and enrich and enliven your everyday life in amazing and surprising ways…

Exploring your dreams opens the door to a new connection with yourself, and your powerful capability for inner knowing. 

Dreamwork brings your soul’s wisdom into the light of day — and enriches and enlivens your everyday life in amazing and surprising ways.

RSVP here for the Dreamwork Summit — at no charge. 

Liz Gracia Founder, Editor in Chief & Host of YOur Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast and

Host of HighVibeTribeRadio.com and HighVibeTribeTV.com

Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Get better-quality sleep with Dinesh Ghodke and Khurshed Batliwala, plus a sleep ritual to boost energy, vitality, and zeal to power your dreams.
  • With Robert Moss, you’ll explore how to time travel in your dreams  … connect with your past lives, parallel lives, and possible future selves… and track their relevance to your current life.
  • Tap into the fabulously creative alpha-theta brainwave state known as hypnagogia with Dr. Clare Johnson, by playing with symbolic portals including colors and animals.
  • Honor the Indigenous Andean cosmovision with don Alejandro Apaza and Beti Tuero to interpret your dreams and transform nightmares.
  • Incubate your dreams with Dr. Gayle Delaney to liberate yourself from restricting inhibitions and experience more profound exuberance.
  • Explore the neuroscience of narrative dream myths with Dr. Sharon Blackie, a mythologist, and psychologist.
  • With Charlie Morley, you’ll discover how to heal trauma-affected by sleep through practicing breathwork, yoga nidra, and sleep awareness.

RSVP here for the Dreamwork Summit — at no charge.

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