If You Have Life You Have Purpose

If You Have Life, You Have Purpose. Oprah interviews Caroline Myss as she discusses how to tap into your intuition and life purpose. Watch today as Oprah and Caroline Myss discuss the understanding that we all come into this world with a TRUE calling and Soul Purpose.

A great point they make is that the personality can get caught up in a path that isn’t our own or meant for us. The personality gets caught up in following the path of others or wanting someone else’s life.

People suffer when they pursue a life or chase a dream that does not belong to them.

When you tap into your TRUE calling, or Soul Purpose, this is tapping into your own intuition.

This is a great Life Lesson to really “get” today.

STOP and “smell the roses” on this one!

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How to Find Your Life Purpose with Dr Jean Houston

3 Keys to Discovering and Living Your Life Purpose

Do you know what your life’s purpose is? Would You Like to Learn How to Activate Your ‘Purpose Code’ to Make a Greater Difference in the World? Discover it with Dr. Jean Houston during her FREE “Life Purpose” Event

Sign Up Here

Dr. Jean Houston with Oprah Winfrey on Super Soul Sunday
your True Calling an online course for discovering your life purpose with Stephen Cope

To know your true calling—your reason for being here—is perhaps the greatest desire within each of us. But how many of us can really say we know our purpose with certainty?

Most of us feel at least some level of confusion, anxiety, and even fear around the subject. We’re told to “follow your bliss” or “make a difference,” but we’re never really taught how.

What if there were a time-tested guide for discovering and fulfilling your true calling?

As it turns out, such a map exists. The Bhagavad Gita—a classic text of yoga wisdom that has inspired generations to live more meaningful lives—offers us an essential guide for finding our calling.

In Your True Calling, you’ll learn how to use this powerful map to discover and align with your unique purpose.

More Resources from Caroline Myss

About Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss Teacher of The Great Transformation May 2021Caroline Myss is the author of four New York Times bestsellers: Anatomy of the Spirit, Sacred Contracts, Invisible Acts of Power, and Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can. A leading voice in the field of energy medicine and human consciousness, she holds degrees in journalism, theology, intuition, and energy medicine. She has appeared on two highly successful public television programs, and on The Oprah Show.

She is also co-educator of The Science of Medical Intuition, an online course with Dr. Norm Shealy


Do you ever stop to consider what your intuition is telling you about your health in any moment? Have you ever wanted a deeper sense of the influences within you that create your physical and spiritual well-being? In the emerging field of energy medicine, ordinary people with no prior training are learning how to tap into the power of their own intuition to:  

  • Perceive when and how people around us are affecting our bodies
  • Identify where toxic memories are residing within our cellular structures
  • Use the divine power of creation that holds the key to our physical, mental, and spiritual health

This program represents both the foundation for personal insight—a toolbox for your own daily health evaluation—and the basis for understanding people and the world we share at the highest possible level.

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About the Author:

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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