Did You Know Your Business is a Living System? Interview with the Healer’s Coach Johann Alper

Your Business Practice is a Living System. Discover What Part of the 5 Elements in Nature Your Business or Health Practice May Be Deficient

This week’s HIgh Vibe Tribe interview is with “The Healer’s Coach”, Johanna Alper.

Johanna Alper, the Healer’s Coach, assists healers, therapists, and coaches to attract more clients and prosper. She has been practicing and teaching mindfulness and compassion meditation since the early 1970’s, and has practiced and taught 5 Element Acupuncture since 1981.

Her proven and successful business coaching system is based on the

METAL Element Wealth Consciousness and money Attract More Clients5 Elements of Nature and Chinese Medicine. Johanna understands your sensitivity as a healer, and is dedicated to helping you become the Transformational Teacher/ Leader that you are and that this world is calling for.

In today’s podcast Johanna asks you to consider these questions about your health practice or mission-driven company:

➣ Are you an excellent Holistic Practitioner, Psychotherapist, or Mission-Driven Companies & Leaders, but struggle to magnetize enough clients to achieve financial success?

➣ Do you want to avoid the stress of competing in the marketplace, and instead be confident about serving others with Your Unique Offerings?

➣ Even if you are a true introvert, you can learn inspiring, non-sales-y and effective ways to enroll clients and prosper in your business.

Johanna-Alper-Intuitive-Persoanl-Branding-Strategist-and-Shamanic-Business-Coach--ConsultantDuring our conversation we mention some resources worth considering:

Interested in diving deeper into Johanna’s 5 Elements in nature as it relates to your own business? Watch her webinar: How to Start a Business & Holistic Practice Understanding The Five Elements in Nature here.

Join Johanna’s Online Group Coaching Program—Attract 5 Clients in 5 Weeks: The Practical and Magical 5 Elements of Holistic Business Success Online Group Program. REGISTER HERE FOR HER NEXT ONE

Her forthcoming book is The 5 Elements Advantage:  A Practical and Magical Guide to Business Success for Healers, Therapists, and Mission-Inspired Entrepreneurs

Available on her website at: www.MedicineBuddhaCoaching.com

Be the Ripple in the Pond: Share Wisdom, Ignite Spirits!

About the Author:

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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