Be the Ripple in the Pond: Share Wisdom, Ignite Spirits!

S1 E9

In this episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness, I do my best to explain what the phrase “Letting Go and Letting GOD” means, when you put it into context with the Map of Consciousness® and understanding levels of consciousness.

If you are stuck in a lower level of consciousness like:

  • If you are stuck in a lower level of consciousness it's like imprisionment

    Photo by wr heustis


  • Righteousness
  • Resentment
  • Bitterness
  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Grief and Loss
  • Apathy
  • Guilt or
  • Shame

(all levels of victimhood)

You are essentially powerless. You need to call upon higher levels of consciousness to get yourself out of the lower levels of consciousness.

All levels of consciousness are what Dr. Hawkins calls “Impersonal attractor fields”. It is your attention to the lower levels that keep you stuck.

In the absence of this understanding, you will likely remain stuck unless you get some help.

Willing to “Let Go and Let GOD” is your acceptance of the understanding that you are literally powerless when you are operating in those lower levels.

Listen in as I do my best to help you with understanding the phrase “Letting Go and Letting GOD”.

Learn how to let go here.

Another helpful episdoe I have created is How to Surrender to Go and Let Go of Aversions and Attractions here.

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What Does Letting Go and Letting God Mean?

What does letting go and letting God mean?

Photo by Jonathan Borba

Letting go and letting God is a well-known phrase among Christians. It encourages individuals to release their worries and trust God’s plans. This concept emphasizes surrendering control and relying on divine guidance rather than one’s efforts.

But what does this truly entail?

Let’s dive into it.

First, most people (75%-80%) on the planet are operating from a lower level of consciousness. This is according to consciousness research and calibrations. This correlates with people perceiving God as punishing, so you could believe that letting go and letting God mean you will be punished if you don’t or if you do.

In other words, you are “damned if you do and demand if you don’t.”

There is NO TRUTH in this. You are simply perceiving from the lower level of consciousness and distorted point of view.

According to there is tremendous truth and proven power in “Letting Go and Letting God”, in fact, this is an exciting calibration to contemplate and integrate into your awareness:

Surrendering one’s life to Jesus Christ has an all-dimensions calibration of 610 on the Map of Spiritual Progress.

This is significant considering individual willpower is of lower consciousness and has NO POWER.

I like to say, “do the math!”.

Spiritual Will, not egoic, lower mind will calibrates in this range on the Map of Spiritual Progress:

cal. 630 (540 – 900)
All-dimensions, all points of observation (ADAP)

A field accessible from unconditional love until the Final Door, which is 900 ADAP.

Spiritual Trust and Surrender The phrase essentially means to “not worry and trust God

Photo by Alex Azabache

Spiritual Trust and Surrender

The phrase means “not worry and trust God”[1]. It’s a call to relinquish our attempts to control our circumstances and to place our faith in God’s plans, which are believed to be for our good and filled with hope[2]. This isn’t a passive resignation but an active choice to trust that, despite not seeing the full picture, God’s intentions are better and more beneficial than what we might devise.

The energy fields of TRUST and FAITH are proven to be of higher consciousness. They are true power and two of my 1001 Ways to True Power and Conscious, Elevated Living.

It can take time, intention, and awareness to align with and remove the blocks to the attractor field in consciousness known as TRUST. I recommend choosing this higher energy and then “letting the field” of trust draw you into its influence so that “letting go and letting God” becomes easier to accept and do.

Here are two powerful mantras, proven to be of higher consciousness worthy of your consideration and use:

Most of the population around the world calibrates below 200, or 10 to the 200th power on the Map of Spiritual Progress.

The Bible provides numerous insights that bolster the concept of letting go and letting God.

Photo by Pixabay

Biblical Foundations

The Bible provides numerous insights that bolster the concept of letting go and letting God. For instance, Jeremiah 29:11 reassures, “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope”[3]. This assurance helps believers feel confident in releasing their burdens to divine care, trusting in God’s greater vision.

Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane, “Not my will but yours be done,” exemplifies the ultimate act of surrender, even in the face of immense personal anguish[4]. Following such examples encourages individuals to place God’s will above their own, trusting His wisdom and timing.

Again, in today’s modern world, consciousness research proves the true power and wisdom of surrender, letting go, and letting God.

Check out this helpful resource on surrender: God’s Will: What does it mean to surrender to God?

Take Your Intention to Let Go & Let God Even Further

Do you consider your mind a great gift—or a dangerous place? Maybe a little of both? Join Michael A Singer, in a free three-part mini-course exploring how to stop being victimized by your mind, and instead use it as it was intended.

Michael Singer 8 Week Online Course FREE 3 Part Video Series Intro to Living from a Place of Surrender-

Michael Singer Courses Directory The Untehthered Soul in ActionConsciously Curated Teacher of Higher Consciousness BadgeMichael A. Singer is a spiritual teacher and author who is known for his transformative teachings on consciousness and inner peace. His best-selling book, “The Untethered Soul,” has helped millions of people worldwide to find freedom and joy by breaking free from limiting thoughts and emotions. Singer’s approach to spirituality is grounded in practicality and accessibility, making his teachings accessible to people from all walks of life. He encourages individuals to explore their inner world and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, mindfulness, and compassion. Overall, Michael A. Singer’s work inspires individuals to live more fulfilling, peaceful, and meaningful lives.

Michael Singer’s 8-Week Online Course continues to be a top-selling course at The Mind Body Spirit Network.

Practical Application of Letting Go

In everyday life, letting go and letting God might involve reframing how you approach problems.

Photo by Pixabay

In everyday life, letting go and letting God might involve reframing how you approach problems.

Instead of feeling anxious over situations beyond our control, we could focus on what we can handle and leave the rest in God’s hands[5].

It’s a way to alleviate stress and find peace, trusting that God will guide us through our challenges.and provide solutions in ways we might not have imagined. This approach encourages a mindfulness of the present moment, freeing individuals from the burden of future outcomes and the entanglement in past mistakes. It is about making the best decision possible with the information and understanding available, then leaving the outcome to divine guidance.

By adopting this mindset, individuals learn to embrace a sense of peace amidst chaos, recognizing that while efforts are necessary, the ultimate outcomes lie beyond personal control. This perspective also fosters a deeper spiritual relationship, as it requires continuous communication with God through prayer and meditation, seeking not only for guidance and support but also expressing gratitude for the journey and its lessons.

Additionally, letting go and letting God does not imply inaction. Instead, it suggests a collaborative effort where individuals do their part, inspired by faith-driven motives, and trust in God to do the rest. This balance between action and trust is crucial; it means being diligent in responsibilities, making wise choices, and then surrendering the worry and anxiety that come with uncertain outcomes.

One ethical consideration of this phrase involves discerning when to act and when to step back. It raises questions about personal responsibility and the role of divine intervention in daily affairs.

Suggested Resource: What’s Your God View? Understand Your Perspective and What That Means for You

Why Is It Difficult to Let Go?

Trusting in an unseen power isn't always easy.

Photo by Erik Mclean:

Trusting in an unseen power isn’t always easy.

Many struggle with this because we’re conditioned to rely on what we can see and understand.

Letting go means placing faith in something intangible, which can be a significant leap for many[6].

Our plans often clash with divine timing, leading to frustrations when our desires aren’t immediately fulfilled[7].[7].

Patience becomes a crucial virtue in this context, allowing individuals to wait for God’s timing rather than forcing their timeline upon situations. This waiting period can be a test of faith, challenging one to maintain belief in God’s wisdom and goodness despite delays or apparent denials.

This is a great time to share this truth from

Statement: “God only gives, the ego only takes away.”

A spiritual posture consistent with success and higher emotional and intellectual availability.

cal. 360 (200 – 490)

All-dimensions, all points of observation (ADAP)

Letting Go and Letting God

Photo by Tara Winstead

Furthermore, relinquishing control challenges the human ego and sense of autonomy. In a society that often values self-reliance and personal achievement, admitting that one cannot manage everything alone and needs to depend on a higher power can be humbling and, for some, unsettling. It requires acknowledging one’s limitations; not all outcomes can be manipulated or predicted by human efforts alone.

Another layer of difficulty lies in discerning God’s will.

Differentiating between one’s desires and what might be Divine Guidance necessitates a deep, ongoing relationship with God, characterized by regular dialogue—through prayer, meditation, and reflection—and an openness to being led. It involves a willingness to change direction, even when it conflicts with personal plans or involves sacrifice.

This process is further complicated by the inherent uncertainty in interpreting divine signs or messages.

The 3 Life Secrets for Stress-Free Living with Neale Donald Walsch

*Neale Donald Walsch Presents The 3 Life Secrets to Ending the Struggle and Making Your Life Work’. If the struggle is real for you then discover how to live a stress-free life, be who you really are, and  and go with the flow. Learn how to end your struggles with money, relationships, and health. If you already feel joyful and fulfilled…then go no further.

End Your Struggle Now – at No Charge here.

*According to, Neale Donald Walsch is a spiritual teacher of higher consciousness. (No surprise there!) His Conversations with God Books and movie are of higher consciousness as well. It’s no wonder he’s one of our consciously curated teachers. 

Growing Trust in God Over Time

Trust in God grows with intentional practice.

Hebrews 11:1 points out, “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”[8].

Journaling is proven and powerful way to align with your intention to let go and let God

Photo by Arina Krasnikova

Remembering and recounting times when divine intervention has steered us right can deepen our trust. Now might be a good time for you to create a gratitude journal or diary recounting all the times things have worked out for you. Journaling or reflecting on things is a “power play” in consciousness.

It’s about nurturing a relationship with God, reinforcing our faith through scripture, prayer, and witnessing His faithfulness in our lives[9].and personal experiences.

Engaging in communities of faith also fosters this trust, as sharing stories of divine providence encourages members and strengthens their belief systems.

Worship and communal prayer honor God and bond believers through shared expressions of faith and reliance on the divine.

Moreover, service, guided by ethical principles and compassion, can be a powerful way of experiencing God’s presence and understanding His will.

By focusing on the needs of others and placing them above our own, we engage in a form of practical theology that enfolds the concept of sacrificial love, which is central to many religious teachings.

This selflessness is often met with a profound sense of fulfillment and peace, further affirming the trust in a higher power that guides us toward acts of kindness and love.

However, developing such trust doesn’t negate the presence of doubt or fear. It’s natural for humans to question and seek understanding. The biblical figure Thomas, often dubbed “Doubting Thomas,” exemplifies this struggle between doubt and faith. Yet, it’s through the process of questioning and seeking that one’s faith can become more robust and refined.

Acts of Surrender

Surrender anxiety and control to God


Surrendering Anxiety

Releasing control doesn’t just mean abandoning action.

It’s about managing what you can and trusting God with what you can’t[10].

This shift can reduce mental burdens, granting a sense of peace and clarity from believing in divine support.

17 Resilience & Coping ExercisesWhen we understand that God’s arms are always underneath us, we draw comfort and strength from this continual support[11]. Living with this understanding fosters resilience. As we face life’s inevitable hardships, believing in God’s omnipresence and protection enables us to navigate challenges with a sense of security that worldly assurances cannot provide. This resilience is not born from ignorance or naivety, but from a conscious choice to see beyond immediate circumstances and trust in a greater plan, we may not fully comprehend.

Surrendering to God, especially in moments of vulnerability, doesn’t imply passivity but rather a dynamic engagement with faith as a source of strength and guidance.

Embracing Vulnerability

Furthermore, acknowledging our vulnerabilities and turning to God in those times invites divine guidance into our lives in a more profound way. (2 Corinthians 12:9). This paradoxical truth suggests that it is through recognizing our limitations and dependence on God that His power is most manifest in our lives. Instead of equating vulnerability with defeat, it can be seen as an opportunity for spiritual growth and deepening trust in God’s sovereignty.

How to Embrace Change and Uncertainty Newest Online Course with Pema Chodron
How to Break Free from Habitual Patterns of Behavior Pema Chodron Teachings
Living with Vulnerability Venture into the Heart of Enlightenment with Pema Chodron

Historical Context and Origin

surrendering everything to God and yielding to His guidance

Photo by Julia Volk

The phrase “let go and let God” has its roots in the Keswick Convention, which began in the late 19th century. This movement, known for emphasizing the “higher life” principles, popularized surrendering everything to God and yielding to His guidance.

The concept was intended to encourage believers to trust in divine intervention rather than rely solely on their lower mind, egoic, individual efforts. By understanding this historical context, we can appreciate how the phrase evolved to become a cornerstone of modern Christian thought, emphasizing the importance of faith and divine reliance in overcoming life’s challenges[1].

Interestingly, the phrase is not directly found in the Bible but is often associated with scriptural principles that advocate trust in God’s plans. For example,

Proverbs 3:5 advises, “Do not depend on your own understanding, but seek his will, and he will show you which path to take.”


Ephesians 3:20 speaks of God’s ability to bless us exceedingly beyond our expectations when we place our trust in Him[2].

These verses encapsulate the essence of “letting go and letting God,” reinforcing that divine wisdom surpasses human understanding and control. (This calibrates as a true statement in consciousness research.)

17 Strength-Finding Exercises TOOLSMoreover, the phrase has been interpreted differently across various Christian denominations. Catholicism means releasing one’s tight grip on personal desires to be open to God’s will.

At the same time, other interpretations focus on the practical application of surrendering daily worries and anxieties to divine care[3]. This multifaceted understanding highlights the concept’s universal appeal and adaptability, making it relevant to diverse spiritual journeys and experiences.


Letting go and letting God is more than a catchy phrase

Photo by Monstera Production

Letting go and letting God is more than a catchy phrase; it’s a profound spiritual practice that encourages believers to trust in God’s unseen but omnipresent care. It’s about shifting from anxiety over uncontrollable circumstances to a place of faith, peace, and intentional reliance on divine guidance. As we let go and let God, we find ourselves leaning not on our understanding but on an eternal foundation of divine assurance.

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Make your life a living prayer with Dr. David R. Hawkins


All calibrations are based on Dr. David R. Hawkins decades of research into consciousness, and the Map of Consciousness that came from this research, so as to put into context where true, constructive power really exists and where it doesn’t.

The Map of Consciousness is a logarithmic scale of 0-1,000, where 100 on the Map of Consciousness is 10 to the 100th power, 200 is 10 to the 200th power, etc. The higher you go up on the Map of Consciousness, the more quantum in nature the power level comes.

Any calibration below 200 holds no truth and no power and is destructive in nature.

TRUE POWER begins at 200 on the Map of Consciousness (10 to the 200th power) and it is the level of COURAGE. In order to turn around anything that’s negatively oriented in your life, you need to step into courage on the matter in order to do so.