Spiritually Navigating the Coronavirus Outbreak & Grounding for Anxiety

Full Body Chakra Clearing for Chaotic Times: A Grounding & Centering Meditation with Wendy DeRosa: Access this healing grounding meditation, a grounding for anxiety and full body clearing the chakras meditation. Tools for navigating the collective consciousness of the coronavirus outbreak.

Grounding for Anxiety During This Coronavirus Outbreak

Grounding Meditations Spiritual Tools for Navigatigating Coronavirus OutbreakWe are grounded.

(And I mean like children being punished!?!)

How do we continue to move forward in the face of mounting anxiety around us? We can’t afford to give into fear — or we will become stuck in a fear pattern…

This does not mean don’t proceed with caution, take care of yourself physically and emotionally…

The question becomes, how are you going to be in a relationship with fear? And how can you let go of the fear and embrace grounding for anxiety?

Quarantines, travel restrictions, social distancing, increased hand washing, scarcity, and a plummeting stock market…

And what exactly do we do when we’re “grounded?” We might react from a more vulnerable place within us, getting mad at our “parents” for grounding us… protest, have big feelings, and stubbornly commence sulking within ourselves.

However, we’re empowered to come from an emerging place within us… to hold space for different perspectives. To sit with the discomfort and uncertainty. This becomes our spiritual practice, and we begin to witness our perspectives evolve.

Clearing the Chakras Meditation Tools for Navigating the Coronavirus OutbreakRight now, the invitation is to go deeper. To ground for anxiety and engage in clearing the chakras meditation is a powerful intention to practice. And not just as a metaphor…

Mother Earth has grounded us. In the energetic anatomy, fear and grounding happen in the same power center in the body… the root chakra.

Fear can be seen as negative, but it’s actually a “warning system” and an integral component to safety. Safety is what allows our energetic bodies to relax and go to our next level of healing. Trauma work teaches us that we cannot heal if our body doesn’t feel safe enough to heal. Instead we’re likely to project, act out, or attempt to manage circumstances beyond our control.

Fear is also part of our collective consciousness. And what more powerful way to ground us ALL for our own safety — by unleashing a coronavirus outbreak into the collective? We are navigating how to be in relationship with fear as a society as well — in our local and global communities.

As I wrestled with all emerging with the coronavirus outbreak, I sat with my guides… and this was their response:

“This world needs grounding, and grounding from anxiety in general, Wendy. Grounding means you all have to sit with yourselves, and all the uncomfortable and beautiful feelings that come with being YOU. The Mother is grounding everyone. Out of this will be a humbling shift.

Grounding for Anxiety with Wendy DeRosaSo from this humble place, I offer you this prayer (and grounding meditation above):

Hello fear. I acknowledge you and the many different root chakra belief systems and emotions you are stirring in me. Through this, you are bringing clarity to my true power. I am now widening and deepening my grounding so I can embody my power and be of service to myself and others.

Since my last newsletter in early January, I have been in my own depth process of moving forward in the face of unclarity, changing relationships, vulnerability, and healing. I am walking this human journey alongside you.

I am also seeing a surge in members joining our community to heal and help heal others and the planet. I am so grateful to be on the healing journey with you as well!

To that end, we have a number of upcoming events — virtual and in-person — from May onward. We are monitoring the rapidly changing information on a daily and weekly basis provided by the CDC. We’ll keep you all updated on any changes to our schedule.

Sending love to you all as we ground deeply into the truth of our being and honor the amount of slow time true grounding really takes…. I hope the above grounding meditation & clearing the chakras meditation supports you in your journey this week.

Rooting down to rise tall with you all.

Discover More Spiritual Tools for Navigating the Coronavirus Outbreak!

Watch "The Meaning of Oneness as it Relates to the Crown Chakra and the Coronavirus" with Clairvoyant & Master Energy & Chakra System Architect, Katy Bray here.
Ground Into More Understanding Here!

More from Wendy Derosa

Here’s more ways to connect to resources for grounding for anxiety, grounding meditations in general,  connecting in online community, laerning as an intuitive healer, clearing the chakras meditations and training and more with Wendy Derosa, Founder of The School of Intuitive Studies.

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About the Author:

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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