The Meditation Breakthrough That Changes Everything Meditation 2.0: The Miracle of Direct Awakening

How to Meditate 2.0: The Meditation Breakthrough That Changes Everything with Pioneering Consciousness Researcher and Spiritual Teacher Craig Hamilton: Join Meditation Classes 2.0: The Miracle of Direct Awakening.  Unleash the True Power of Meditation. This Meditation is a Game Changer. Finally, A “How to” Meditate Practice That Gets Results!

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Intro Meditation Classes 2.0: The Miracle of Direct Awakening

HOw to Meditate 2.0 with Craig HamiltonHave you ever had an experience of spiritual awakening?

If so, I’m guessing it was probably one of the most meaningful moments of your life.

But if you’re like most of us, chances are your spiritual experiences have also been fairly short-lived, leaving you longing to reconnect with the sacredness you felt in those moments but not sure how to make that a sustained reality.

That’s why I’m excited to be writing today to let you know about a powerful new discovery that can help you bridge that gap once and for all.

It’s called How to Meditation 2.0 – The Practice of Direct Awakening 

As a spiritual seeker, you’ve probably tried meditation practice in the hope that it might bring you closer to the awakening you’ve sensed is possible.

But have you noticed that most meditation practices tend to be repetitive and (dare I say it) even tedious?

The truth is that they rarely give us experiences of the promise of illumination they point to.

If that’s been your experience, I have big news for you.

The POwer of Meditation Classes Over the past few decades, a pioneering consciousness researcher and spiritual teacher named Craig Hamilton has been radically reinventing how to meditate–and spiritual practices as a whole–from the ground up.

And I can promise you one thing–the meditation classes Craig teaches will never leave you feeling bored or wondering why you’re doing it!

In fact, the “direct awakening” practices Craig Hamilton has developed are such a radical departure from the meditation most of us have been taught that it’s really more accurate to think of it as an evolution of how to meditate.

Or as Craig calls it: Meditation 2.0  

Through his extensive research and work with thousands of students, Craig has developed a way of meditating that enables you to tap directly into the miracle of awakened consciousness every time you practice.

Instead of spending decades doing “indirect” practices like repeating mantras, watching your breath or being “mindful” in an effort to prepare for a future moment of Enlightenment, you can literally practice aligning with the limitless energy, intelligence, and freedom of Enlightenment right now.

I’m inspired to be writing you today to invite you to join Craig hamilton for a free global online gathering and intro meditation class in which he’ll share the essence of this powerful, life-changing meditation practice and its groundbreaking discovery.

How to Meditate 2.0 – The Miracle of Direct Awakening

In this 90-minute webinar, Craig will share the surprising truth he’s learned in his decades of meditation research–and the unexpected discovery that is revolutionizing the way we think about spiritual practice and awakening.

You’ll learn . . .


  • The simple shift in attention that can instantly open the door to a wellspring of wisdom and creativity


  • The most common obstacles to deep meditation and the one key that enables you to bypass all of them and step directly into the life-changing recognition of your “essential nature”


  • How to ensure that meditation is never boring or tedious but always a dynamic unfolding journey of awakening to higher possibilities and potential


  • Why short periods of meditation can be more effective than long, drawn-out practice sessions and how to make every moment of meditation a moment of awakening


How to bring your spiritual practice off the meditation cushion and into your daily life through the use of “engaged inquiry” practices throughout your day

I’m so excited that Craig Hamilton is going to be sharing these precious meditation teachings with our entire community

To learn more and register for the live “How to Meditate 2.0” event at no charge, just visit this webpage:

Intro Meditation Classes 2.0 – The Miracle of Direct Awakening

I hope to be with you for this momentous gathering!

Liz Gracia Founder, Editor in Chief & Host of YOur Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast and

Host of and HighVibeTribeTV.

P.S. Make sure you register for the event even if you can’t attend live and Craig’s team will send you the recording. Find out all the details here.   

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About Your Meditation 2.0 Instructor

Craig Hamilton Pioneering Instructor of Meditation 2.0 -Meditation Classes OnlineCraig Hamilton is a spiritual trailblazer whose innovative transformation approach brings enlightenment down to earth and unlocks the codes to our highest human potential.

With more than 16,000 graduates to date, his in-depth online meditation classes, workshops, and courses have transformed the lives of seekers in over 85 countries worldwide. These potent transformational how-to meditate training bring together core insights and approaches based on decades of on-the-ground research at the leading edge of spiritual practice and inquiry.

When we think about spirituality and meditation, it’s hard not to think inside of reference points we’ve inherited from ancient traditions dating back thousands of years.

And while these ancient traditions are treasure troves of deep wisdom, it’s no secret that they’re embedded in outdated worldviews and assumptions from a much simpler time.

His sense that spiritual wisdom had become dated compelled Craig 30 years ago to walk away from a graduate scholarship to Harvard Divinity School and embark on a unique path.

Inspired by a series of powerful spiritual experiences in his late teens and early twenties, Craig had become convinced that genuine spiritual awakening was possible–and that it didn’t have to take a lifetime (or many lifetimes, as some traditions insist).

So, he thrust himself into an inquiry that took him around the globe and into the depths of his own spiritual practice…

The 5 Meditation Mistakes We All MakeOver a fifteen-year period, he participated in and led a series of “evolutionary laboratories” where he engaged in over 17,000 hours of meditation practice in an effort to uncover a more direct path to spiritual awakening.

In this intensely focused environment, he came upon the radical discovery he calls “The Practice of Direct Awakening.”

The essence of Craig’s groundbreaking insight was that because awakened consciousness is already our own essence or “true nature,” we don’t need to wait for a lightning bolt of Enlightenment to be able to access it.

It is possible to tap directly into this infinite energy, intelligence and freedom right now.

All that is required to access this superconscious, unbounded way of being immediately is learning a simple set of daily practices that enable us to step directly into the miracle of awakened consciousness every time we practice.

Instead of spending decades doing “indirect” meditation practices in an effort to prepare for a future moment of Enlightenment, we can practice aligning with the limitless energy, intelligence and freedom of Enlightenment every day.

Over the past decade, Craig taught tens of thousands of people this dynamic, liberating form of meditation.

He is a founding member of Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute, a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Forum, and was a participant in the Synthesis Dialogues, a 35-person interdisciplinary think tank presided over by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

His fresh, non-dogmatic, direct approach has compelled many of today’s leading luminaries to not only praise Craig’s work—but to study with him themselves. This has earned Craig a reputation as a rare meditation and mindfulness “teacher of teachers.”

Suggested Reading & Resources

FREE Resources:

Suggested Reading:

Retreat-Related Resources: