An Introduction to Insight Meditation

An Introduction to Insight Meditation

Discover the Path to Sustained Inner Peace

Join world-renowned teachers Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein in a FREE Insight Meditation webinar to discover:

  1. nsight Meditation an Online CourseHow meditation can help you shift from stress and anxiety to genuine happiness and peace
  2. Why this type of meditation stands out as a timeless path to transformation and awakening
  3. Mindfulness and lovingkindness practices to get your meditation practice started today

Discover the Proven Power of Vipassana, aka Insight Meditation

If You’re Craving More Peace and Calm …

Discover the Path to Sustained Inner Peace Insight Meditation WebinarIf you’ve always wanted to meditate, now is the time to begin in this free video webinar with Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein.

Few people would call 2020 a smooth ride. -Plans have been canceled. Lifestyles have been overhauled. And our collective future has become one great unknown.

Yet even in the tides of change, there is a timeless practice we can turn to …

Insight meditation, also known as vipassana, is the traditional art of meditation as it was taught by the Buddha, and then passed from friend to friend for over 2,600 years.

To this day, insight meditation remains one of the oldest and most effective practices we have for calming our minds and awakening our inner joy—even in a year as tumultuous as this one.

But we understand that starting and sticking with any meditation practice is hard enough when times are “normal”—let alone when they feel so uncertain.

This is why we’re bringing you a free webinar training with two of our most experienced and revered meditation teachers Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein.

In case you don’t know them, Sharon and Joseph were among the first teachers to bring traditional meditation to the West. Since cofounding the Insight Meditation Center nearly 50 years ago, they’ve taught thousands of students how to begin—and stick with—a nourishing meditation practice.

Guide to Mindfulness and Meditation

Interested in exploring meditation for yourself? Want tips to get started and guided practices with master teachers?

Join this free webinar to discover:


Much Love,

Liz Gracia Founder, Editor in Chief & Host of YOur Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
The host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast

About Your Insight Meditation Instructors

Sharon Salzberg Meditation Instructor

Sharon Salzberg

Sharon Salzberg, a student of Buddhism since 1971, has been leading meditation retreats worldwide since 1974. Influenced by her more than twenty-five years of study with Burmese, Indian, and Tibetan teachers, she teaches intensive awareness practice and the profound cultivation of lovingkindness and compassion. She is a co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society and The Barre Center for Buddhist Studies and the author of several books, including The Kindness Handbook, A Heart as Wide as the World, and most recently, Real Change. Sharon’s Sounds True audio programs include Embracing Your Boundless Heart and Guided Meditations for Love and Wisdom.

Joseph Goldstein Meditation Teacher

Joseph Goldstein

Joseph Goldstein has been leading insight and lovingkindness meditation retreats worldwide since 1974, and has studied and practiced different forms of Buddhist meditation under eminent teachers from India, Burma, and Tibet since 1967. He is a co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society, the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, and the Forest Refuge. His books include A Heart Full of Peace, One Dharma, Insight Meditation, Mindfulness, and The Experience of Insight. Joseph’s audio programs with Sounds True include the three-volume Abiding in Mindfulness series.

Suggested Reading & Resources

FREE Resources:

Suggested Reading:

Retreat-Related Resources: